
Summary: To those who are lost and living under slavery to the power and curse of Sin, the Word is saying “Come make peace with God.” To those who do have salvation through accepting Jesus, God is saying “learn what you have been restored with and live by it.”

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“But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet...” (Luk 15:20)

This is a well known parable, most Christians have either heard of it or study on it. And there is still a lot for us yet to learn and to live by.

There are ultimately two messages here. To those who are lost and are now living under slavery to the power and the curse of Sin, the Word is saying “Come back to home to make peace with God.” To those who have been delivered from the judgement of Sin through accepting Jesus (as written by God’s Word in the Bible), God is saying “come to recognize what you have been restored with and live by it.”

In this parable, Jesus spoke of the restoration of our Heavenly Father in three aspects. And we will look into every one of them.

But first of all, I want you to see that Jesus did not use the example of a relationship between a master and a servant. That may be the way a lot of people relate themselves to God, as a servant to a master. But watch this, Jesus used the example of a relationship between a Father and a son. Think about the love of this Father. While the son was still far away, the Father saw him. He has been out there all the time looking out to hope for the homecoming of his son. And Jesus said the Father was filled with compassion. He ran to his son, threw his arms around him, and kissed him affectionately. That is the kind of lovingkindness of our Heavenly Father.

Do you see God as your father?

A lot of Christians see God as the God of their religion, some see Him as the God of their parents. Most common Christians just see God as, well, the God of all creations. And you have yet to open you eyes to see God as your Father.

We have enough believers calling themselves all kinds of names, I am a Christian, I am a Baptist, I am a methodist, I am a Lutheran, I am a believer. Now how about identifying yourself as “I am a son of God”, “I am a daughter of God”, “I am born of God.”

Yeah the world call him God, and yes He is God, but He is my Papa!

He gave birth to me out of His Spirit. I am born of the Holy Spirit, I am born of Love. I am made with the very substance of God, the very life of God.

Consider this carefully, Jesus said “I have come that you may have ‘life’.” What is the “Life” - that Life which Jesus has offered you? It is the same Life which the Father God has in Himself!

John 5:26 says this: “For as the Father has life in Himself, so He has granted the Son to have life in Himself”.

Since you were born again, the life that is in you, the life form that is in you which was infused by Jesus, is the same life that is in the Father God.

We have too many Christians today who only see themselves as worms, as nobody, or just as another ordinary world people. But to all you who have been born again by receiving Jesus, let me tell you something, you are of God, you are in Christ. Gal 4:7 says you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God.

You see, until you get a hold of this revelation, until you get a grip on that self image, until you really see yourself as God’s kid, as God’s son, God’s daughter, God’s heir, you will never fully understand, or appreciate, or walk according to these three things which your Father has restored you with.

The Robe represent Glory and Honor, The Ring represent Power and Authority. The Shoes represent Freedom.

Sons of God, Daughters of God, today I need you to begin to see yourself the heir of God.

You are the heir of God who is supposed to live out His Glory and Honor.

You are the heir of God who is supposed to exercise His authority on the earth.

You are the heir of God who is supposed to walk in the freedom which Jesus. purchased for you.

Let’s look into all three in depth.

First there is the Robe. the Father said “bring out the best robe and put it on him.”

Now to understand this perfectly, you need to bring your perspective back to the Bible times. This is in a culture and a time where the clothing of a person would represent his position, his class and his rank in the society.

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