
The Rest You Need is in Jesus

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 29, 2023
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Emphasize the importance of trusting in God's faithfulness, Jesus, and God's promises, and avoid hardening our hearts to His voice, as we are encouraged to support each other in maintaining our faith.


Good morning, church family! We’re diving deep into Hebrews 3:7-15 today, exploring the unfailing faithfulness of our God, the absolute necessity of trusting in Jesus, and the peace that comes from resting in God's promises.

As Oswald Chambers once said, "Faith never knows where it is being led, but it loves and knows the One who is leading." It's all about trust, folks. Trusting in God's faithfulness, trusting in Jesus, and trusting in the promises that have been made to us.

Now let's read the scripture passage together:

"So, as the Holy Spirit says: 'Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion, during the time of testing in the wilderness, where your ancestors tested and tried me, though for forty years they saw what I did. That is why I was angry with that generation; I said, 'Their hearts are always going astray, and they have not known my ways.' So I declared on oath in my anger, 'They shall never enter my rest.' See to it, brothers and sisters, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called 'Today,' so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. We have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original conviction firmly to the very end. As has just been said: 'Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion.'"

The Unfailing Faithfulness of God

The unfailing faithfulness of God is the bedrock upon which we build our trust, and it is the assurance that undergirds our hope. When we speak of God's faithfulness, we're talking about His unwavering reliability, His steadfastness, and His unchanging nature. God is not like a man who may break promises or falter in commitment. He is consistent, dependable, and true to His word.

A clear demonstration of God's faithfulness: Despite the rebellion and disobedience of the Israelites, God remained faithful. He continued to provide for them, guide them, and protect them. Even in His anger, His faithfulness did not wane. This is a profound truth that we must grasp. God's faithfulness is not dependent on our actions or our faithfulness. It is a part of His character, and it does not change based on our behavior.

Seen in His promises: In the passage, God declares that the rebellious generation will not enter His rest. This was not a rash statement made out of anger, but a promise that God fulfilled. God's promises are always fulfilled because He is faithful. He does not make promises lightly, and He does not break them. This is a source of great comfort and assurance for us. We can trust in God's promises because we know that He is faithful to fulfill them.

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Manifested in His patience and long-suffering: For forty years, God bore with the Israelites in the wilderness. He was patient with their complaints, their lack of faith, and their disobedience. This shows us that God's faithfulness is not just about fulfilling promises, but also about enduring with us in our weaknesses and failures. He does not abandon us when we falter, but patiently guides us back to the right path.

The New Testament: We see the ultimate demonstration of God's faithfulness in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the fulfillment of God's promise of salvation. Despite our sin and rebellion, God remained faithful to His promise and sent His Son to redeem us. This is the greatest testament to God's unfailing faithfulness.

A reality that we can experience in our daily lives: It is the assurance that we can rely on God in all circumstances, knowing that He will never fail us or forsake us. It is the confidence that we can approach God with our needs, our fears, and our failures, knowing that He is faithful to hear us, to help us, and to forgive us.

The Necessity of Trusting in Jesus

The necessity of trusting in Jesus is a concept that is woven throughout the tapestry of Scripture, from the Old Testament prophecies pointing to the coming Messiah, to the New Testament accounts of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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