
Summary: The church needs the indwelling power of the Holy Ghost to be a refining fire and prepare us for the great deception of the end times.

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The Refining Fire

We cannot survive as faithful Christians in the hours to come without the Fire of the Holy Ghost in our midst. The baptism in the Holy Ghost is so important that Jesus told his disciples, who were obviously Believers who were Born Again, to wait in the upper room until the Holy Ghost would come to bring the fire and the power of God!

Jesus knew that as we face the powers of hell in this life we would need the ever-present, indwelling power of the Holy Ghost. The church must be empowered, anointed and full of the Holy Ghost.

While a lot of Christians are satisfied with only doing the first works of repentance and initial salvation, and do not seek the baptism in the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives the utterance, the time is upon us that there is a great spirit of deception that has been released in the earth and has invaded the church. And without the baptism, the fire, the anointing, and the Gifts of the Spirit in operation, many are being deceived. We need that gift of discerning of spirits in these days.

I’ve watched as many of the denominations that reject the baptism in the Holy Ghost and have kicked him out of their churches have fallen into the trap of deception laid by the devil. Not only the leadership, but the people in the pews no longer adhere to the Word of God, but they adhere to traditions of men and doctrines of devils.

In some so called churches, they’ve even allowed demons, who have the supernatural ability to change their appearance to appear as very persuasive, very charismatic, men and women who claim to be pastors, evangelists, teachers, prophets and preachers, to stand in their pulpits.

These demonic individuals have been empowered by Satan with the power to deceive many as they teach what may sound good, and pleasant to the ear, providing “some new thing” that tickles the mind but doesn’t line up with God’s Word. The power of deception allows them to change and distort the scriptures to support their false, ungodly doctrines; to even deny the virgin birth of Jesus, and to cause many in the church to stop believing in Jesus as the only way of salvation. By appealing to the unrighteous hearts of men they have cast out the presence of the Holy Ghost and created apostate churches.

The church has seen a great falling away in the past few years fulfilling the word of the Lord in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, where Paul says, “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition…

Many churches have closed permanently, and many Christians who were once faithful to attend church, have left and refuse to come back because of either wearing a mask, or not wearing a mask, and they can’t agree with the word of God that is based upon the truth, but would rather believe the lies of deception.

Some will never came back because they have been deceived into believing that watching church on TV or the internet is good enough. They forget the word of the Lord that says we are not to forget to assemble ourselves together, and even more as the end approaches. We all need one another, and we need to experience the presence of the Holy Ghost in our midst.

The great deception is here and it’s only going to get far more deceptive than it is right now. The world was deceived as Covid 19 was released as a man-made virus with the capability of not only killing millions of people, but more importantly, hidden within its deception was a “spiritual attack” upon the nations, and upon the church as Satan attempted to silence the voice of preachers and prophets, and plunge many into a faith destroying fear.

Around the world churches closed for a time out of respect and love for our fellowman, trying to be responsible and to wait for a time of healing rather than be a place of spreading even more pain and suffering. Since this was an untraveled road for most pastors and Christians everywhere, we all had to seek the Lord to know what to do, and most of us chose to listen and help stop the spread.

But there came a time, early on, when those who love God and love his Word began to hear the Lord saying, “Don’t succumb to the fear! Be obedient servants and I will be with you! Open your eyes and see the battle that is raging in the spirit and engage in the battle through the Word of God.”

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