
Summary: This message is to encourage the believer that even though we go through trails and hardships, we will not be utterly destroyed but we will be purified by the Refiners Fire.


A. This is a beautiful and not uncommon figure of speech in Scripture:

1. The Psalmist, the wise men, and the prophets have all made use of it

2. The simile used in our text indicates that God is at work to purify the lives of His

people, even if He has to use the furnace of affliction to obtain His objective

B. The subject of the refiner's fire embodies a number of spiritual truths worthy of our prayerful consideration:

1. If the writers of the Bible saw a message of great benefit for God's people

2. We, who live in the last days ought to receive special benefits from meditating on this

wonderful subject


A. The process by which silver is separated from the impurities with which it is mixed when

the ore is dug out of the earth:

1. The precious metal is very rarely found unalloyed with other substances; and the

work of the refiner is to free it from these

2. This he does by heating the ore mixed with lead in a crucible and blowing air upon it,

until the lead is oxidized and the films of lead oxidize which rise to the surface and

are removed

3. At this point the refiner sits and watches very closely until he sees his face in the

silver; at that point the silver is removed from the crucible

B. This process of refining silver shows to what effort the Refiner of our life goes to save us from sin:

1. There is a compliment in speaking of God's people as "silver", for silver is worth refining

2. We know that silver is a genuine and valuable metal

3. But we know also that it is valueless so long as it is mixed with dross

4. This is true also of men, they are of great worth to God and men, but so long as they

are mixed with impurities; they are worthless


A. Why do some of us have to endure so much suffering?

1. Why did Job - a man "that was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil, have to go through the furnace of affliction

2. The reading of the Bible shows clearly that there were two sides to his suffering; Satan had a large part in Job's suffering

3. God allowed it to prove unto the universe that Job would be steadfast and loyal to God regardless of his suffering

4. Note what he said, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him; but I will maintain mine own ways before Him" - Job 13:15

B. The purpose of the refining fire is:

1. Not to destroy, but to save; to purify to increase the vale. Examples:

2. God prepared Moses to be one of the greatest leaders and legislators in history; but to do that He sent him to the desert for about forty years. Joseph was, in God's plan, to be a Saviour of his own family and millions of others, but tot prepare him for that high office God sold him to Egypt, had him place in iron, until he was ready to display the character that made him immortal in the history of men

3. So dear soul, leave it to the Refiner of your life to do what must be done to save you and to increase the value of your life

C. None of us know just why we pass through some bitter trials and hardships:

1. But some day we shall understand, that it was God's love that did it

2. For God does not punish us willingly; no, He would rather spare us from the fires of

affliction but He has no other means to free us from the dross of sin

3. The words of Peter are very appropriate in this connection, "Beloved, think it not

strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you; but rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's suffering; that when His glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy" - I Pet. 4:12-13

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