
Summary: Spiritual warfare is a very real thing and we must be prared for it.

The Reality of Spiritual Warfare

Ephesians 6:10-13

I. We Must Recognize the Enemy (11b-12)

A. The Enemy is Satan (v. 11b)

1. He is the Tempter

2. He is the Accuser of the Brethren

3. He is the King of Lies

4. He is a Schemer

B. The Enemy has an Army (v. 12b)

C. The Enemy is Many Times Overlooked (v. 12a)

II. We Must Be Ready to Battle (v. 11a, 13)

A. We Must Wake Up Spiritually (Romans 13:11)

1. Many Choose to Sleep Through the Battle

2. Many Act as if Satan is Not Real

B. We Must Equip Ourselves for Battle

1. You Need a War Room – Prayer Closet

2. You Need a Battle Plan – God’s Word

3. You Need Troop Strength – Other Believers

C. We Must Recognize that Every Day is a Battle

III. We Must Recognize Our Strategy and Victory (v. 10)

A. It Will Be No Battle Without Christ (v. 10a)

B. We Must Recognize Where Our Strength is Centered

1. The Power of Jesus’ Name

2. The Power of the Holy Spirit

3. The Power of God’s Word

C. We Must Recognize that Ultimate Victory is Won

1. In The Cross

2. In the Resurrection

3. In You Trusting Christ as Savior

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