
Summary: This is the last in a series of four different reactions to the birth of Jesus Christ.

The Reaction of the Wisemen

Matthew 2:1-12

I. They Were Drawn to and Found the Savior (v. 1-8)

A. God initiated their search for Christ

1. God caused them to look to His creation

2. God used the creation to reveal Himself to them

B. They were passionate in their search for Christ

1. They traveled a long way

2. They went to an area that could endanger them

C. They were patient in their search for Christ

II. They Bowed and Worshiped the Savior (v. 9-11a)

A. They worshiped out of duty (John 4:23)

B. They worshiped Him out of a desire

1. A desire because of what we have been given

2. A desire because of what He has done

C. They worshiped Him out of desperation (John 6:68)

III. They Gave Sacrificially to the Savior (v. 11b)

A. They Gave Him their Best

1. Gold for His royalty

2. Frankincense for His Lordship

3. Myrrh for His coming death

B. They gave because of what they had been given

C. They totally surrendered themselves and their possessions

IV. They Were Loyal to the Savior (v. 12)

A. They did not desire the power of Herod’s throne

B. They listened to God’s wisdom

C. They put Christ as a first priority

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