The Raising Of Lazarus
Contributed by Ed Wood on Jul 11, 2008 (message contributor)
Summary: Jesus miracle of raising Lazarus.
John 11:1-7, 20-46
INTRO: This story is the most mysterious story in the Bible. There are
three great scenes to this story that we want to look at. They are:
1. The mystery. 2. The sympathy. 3. The power.
A. Most remarkable miracle that Jesus did.
1. Lazarus was dead for four days.
a. Jesus had raised others from the dead, but they had just died.
b. Lazarus had been dead four days so there could be no question.
2. Jesus makes a surprising statement (v. 4).
a. Jesus know what was to take place.
b. Death will not be the final outcome.
B. Mystery in the way Jesus acted (vv. 5-6).
1. No matter what you think of Jesus, He loved that family.
2. We don’t know why Jesus tarried 2 days.
C. Mystery in the way God deals with people today.
1. Don’t give an easy answer to these questions, because we don’t
2. After going through this they could better see the reason for it.
3. Jesus loves us no matter what happens.
A. Mary meets Jesus (v. 32).
1. Jesus groans in the Spirit (v. 33).
a. They were wailing and mourning.
b. Jesus took their burdens upon himself.
B. Jesus wept (vv. 34-35).
1. The family was wailing.
2. Jesus burst into tears.
C. How Jesus loved that family.
1. Only two times are we told about Jesus weeping. Here and over
2. Jesus really loved Lazarus.
A. Jesus was in complete control.
1. Though he had just wept over Lazarus, He is completely composed
2. Jesus prayed for their benefit.
B. What would have happened if Lazarus had not come forth?
1. Be no gospel, no salvation, no resurrection.
2. If Jesus performed this miracle, there is nothing that He can’t
do for YOU!