The Purpose Of Christmas: God’s Glory Series
Contributed by Billy Ricks on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Our goal should be to reveal and reflect the person and reputation of God in everything we do. To live for God’s glory is to live our lives in such a way that His reputation is enhanced among men. Christmas is about God’s Glory!
Intro: When we think of the birth of Jesus it would be best to think of His entrance into this world as History. Why? It is His story of how God came entered the world and paid for the penalty of mans sin for His glory. Look at Luke 2.14 as the Angelic host proclaimed the theme and ending of the story of creation. “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”
Psalm 25:11 “For the sake of your name, Lord, forgive my iniquity, though it is great.”
Psalm 31:3 “Since you are my rock and my fortress, for the sake of your name lead and guide me”
Psalm 79:9 “Help us, God our Savior, for the glory of your name; deliver us and forgive our sins
for your name’s sake.”
Psalm 109:21 “But you, Sovereign Lord, help me for your name’s sake; out of the goodness of your love, deliver me.”
Isaiah 43:25 “I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more.”
1 Corinthians 10:31 “Because, whatever you do, eating or drinking or anything else, everything should be done to bring glory to God.”
From the womb to the tomb, from the creation to the recreation it is all about the Glory of God. What does that mean for us? God is not in the business of making us happy. God is instead in the business of making us holy like Him. So what is the glory of God?
148 times the Hebrew word Kabod is translated glory. To a sinner God is the rock whose weight crushes him. To a saint he is the heavy rock we lean and stand on. Another word is the shekinah. It is the brilliant pillar of fire and presence above the mercy seat. When Jesus lives in our hearts we are supposed to let our lights shine. So we have the idea of God’s weight, worth and beauty.
In 1 Corinthians 10:31 reputation is probably the most accurate way that you could translate the Greek word doxa.
Jesus came to be born in a manger to reveal in the flesh God’s great weight, worth, and beauty.
Our goal should be to reveal and reflect the person and reputation of God in everything we do. To live for God’s glory is to live our lives in such a way that His reputation is enhanced among men.
Exodus 33.18 “Please let me see your glory.”
I. God is glorified when we receive Him
A) His person
“Here is a place near me. You are to stand on the rock.” Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 10:4 that the rock is Jesus. You are my rock and my salvation. God’s reputation and worth and beauty are seen when people are saved. Peace on earth among men God favors.
B) His personality (character)
Goodness -- The perfect harmony of all His attributes --Sovereignty
We should not take this to mean that before God created he was deficient in glory or in some sense less than God. Paul says in Acts 17:25, "God is not served by human hands as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all men life and breath and everything."
II. God is glorified when we thank Him
Romans 1:20-23 “Ever since the creation of the world God’s invisible nature, namely, his eternal power and deity have been clearly perceived in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse; for, although they knew God they did not glorify him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking and their senseless minds were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they because fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man or birds or animals or reptiles.”
Paul is grabbing a theme that is found in the Old Testament and the Psalms. Psalm 50.23 “Whoever sacrifices a thank offering honors Me, and whoever orders his conduct, I will show him the salvation of God.”
A thankful heart recognizes and shares with others God’s weight, worth and beauty.
III. God is glorified when we reflect his beauty back on Him
A) Love is the reflection of God’s glory
Love is the clearest outward demonstration of the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31-33 “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. Give no offense to the Jews or to the Greeks or the the church of God, just as I try to please all men in everything I do, not seeking my own advantage, but that of many that they may be saved.
B) Love is fulfillment of God’s covenant
1) Loving your neighbor