
Summary: Year in year out we celebrate the feast of Pascal called Easter by some denominations. But what is the prophetic significance as it relates to the coming of Christ?

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The prophetic significance and implications of the Feast of the Lord.

Surprisingly, this time around the world was caught naked and unprepared without any prior knowledge of what was coming. The world and the church did not know something was lurking behind within the veil of darkness. Though the world was unprepared, yet the most affected was the church we all hold so dearly by the suddenness of the event. The effect can be seen in the low key manner we all celebrated the feast days. Our places of public worship were lockdown in an atmosphere of the unexpected. The closure of our places of worship was a big blow we never saw coming. For the first time in living memory, all church services were held in a family setting without the pompons and our beautifully dressed members relishing in the spirit of the festivities.

It is evident the world is in limbo, desperately waiting for answers. They want to hear about what the future holds for them, and the good news of great tidings from the church. They are anxious to know why we are celebrating the feast, and what it all means in a world gone wrong.

Even so, there is a hard to tell question on everyone’s lips. What is going on? Why is all this happening? Is the world coming to an end? These are some of the questions of relevance. We can hear often asked by deeply troubled participants on the social media platform. It is also the same story among the concerned or curious, the unsaved and the believers alike.

Especially now that we have the feast of the Lord coinciding with the period of the deadly pandemic ravaging all corners of the world. Though there is no connection between, yet the world believes the Church must have the answers. They are anxiously waiting to hear what we have to say about the signs of the times. They want to know what we can give back in answer to the problems confronting the world.

Right now, we are standing between the great spring feast of Passover and the first-fruit that just ended in the Western world, but commencing in the Eastern parts of Europe. But what is the significance of this feast in the larger picture of the fulfillment of biblical prophecy? Prophetically speaking, is there any connection between the Passover feast and the coming of Christ. Do the seven feasts of the Lord hold any distinct revelation of prophetic magnitude showing the plans, time and seasons of events in the dispensation of God? The answer to all that is yes, they all do in the end time prophetic calendar of God.

But many of the prophecies are unknown to the believers due to the prevalence of our weak, lighthearted, lack of seriousness, don’t care attitude to the things of Christ. Including our wrong teachings on the doctrine of the end times called eschatology, the future of Israel called Israelology and the church. On the other hand, does the rapid spreading of the pandemic foreshadows the sign of the times that is come upon us?

In addition, what can we glean from the spreading of the feast between the spring feast and the fall feast? For the Lord has placed the feast of unleavened bread, Passover, and Firstfruit, in the first month of Abib. And the feast of Atonement, Trumpet, and Tabernacles in the seventh month. In addition, He had placed the feast of Pentecost between the first and seventh. What do that hold for us today? What can we learn from them?

For our Lord started His earthly ministry by declaring scriptures. He came to fulfill all the biblical prophecy that concerns Him. He was sent by our heavenly Father in the fullness of time to fulfill the scripture. That is the accuracy and the beauty of Bible prophecy. Hence the missing link in understanding biblical prophecy is Christ and the place of Israel in the plan of God.

But how many believers know the prophetic scriptures in relation to the calendar set by God for the time of the end? I wonder how many believers have been taught that the feast of the Lord holds a great cache of revelation around the first and second coming of the Lord Jesus.

For that reason and through the grace of God we shall examine the different feasts of the Lord to understand what is hidden and what is given to us to discern. Because the feast foreshadows Christ and the end times. In all, God had given and used them to speak to us in diverse ways. That is why the feast offers us a window to behold Christ and actually know the seasons of the Lord’s return. Hence the missing link in understanding biblical prophecy is Christ and the place of Israel in the plan of God.

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