The Promise Of Victory
Contributed by Evie Megginson on Jan 28, 2019 (message contributor)
Summary: The promise is not stated outright here, but it is implied that we can have victory over the devil.
The promise is not stated outright here, but it is implied that we can have victory over the devil. The main thought in Chapter 12 is the tribulation saints who have overcome the devil. we will discuss 3 ways in which they did it.
As we think about victory, we need to remember two Bible truths about the devil. One, he is not in hell, but he is headed there according to Revelation 20:10. Also, he has access to heaven as recorded in Job 1:6-7. Every time we fail God, he is there to accuse us before the throne.
We need to always remember that our victory over him come only through the Lord Jesus Christ.(ICor.15:57)
There is not a lost person alive who can truthfully say that he is living a happy, victorious, and fulfilled life. He doesn't have the essential ingredient for a victorious life. There is a void in mankind which can only be filled by Jesus. Without Jesus life is never at its best.
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb
The word blood is mentioned some 460 times in the Bible. No wonder it is said, if you cut this book, it would bleed.
A-The Blood has Redeeming Power:
Ephesians 1:7-In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;
1)someone has said, morality may keep you out of jail, but it will take the blood of Jesus to keep you out of hell.
2)Only the Blood of the Lamp can redeem one’s life and make them a changed person.
3)Jack Jones wrote: "Putting a hog in the living room will not change the hog's nature, but it will damage the living room. A lost man's nature will not be changed by placing his name on the church roll, but the church will suffer by his being a member. Every Christian should be a church member; in fact, there is no place for a true Christian outside the church. But the church membership has nothing whatever to do with the salvation of the soul. Billy Sunday was right when he said, "Joining the church does not any more make one a Christian than entering a garage will change one into an automobile.'"
B-The Blood of Jesus has Reaching Power:
Ephesians 2:13-But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ.
1)It does not matter where a person is in life, and what sins they have committed, the blood of Jesus can forgive every sin.
2) One night Charles Berry, a minister who didn't believe in the gospel, was visited by a woman who was deeply concerned about her mother. She said, "My mother is dying. Please come and get her in!" He understood this to mean that she needed words of comfort to face her Maker, so he was worried about what he could say. When he arrived at her bedside, he told her that she had lived a good life. "You've nothing to fear," he said. "God is love." But his words gave her no hope. The pastor became desperate. All he could remember was a hymn his mother had sung when he was a boy, so he began to sing, "There is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Immanuel’s veins, and sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains." Seeing the woman's face brighten, he falteringly related what he had been taught in his youth - that Christ took the sinner's place on the cross. In those moments the dying woman found peace by trusting Jesus as her Savior. Present the gospel to her, the minister "got her in." The next Sunday he told his congregation about his experience. He concluded, "Not only did it get her in, it got me in too. From now on I'll preach Christ and Him crucified!"
C-The Blood of Jesus has Refining Power:
Revelation 1:5-and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood,
1)This generation needs to realize that the only thing that can wash out the stain of their sins is the Blood of Jesus.
2) A father and his young son were viewing a parade in London, England. Because of the chilling wind, they stepped inside a small store and watched through the window. In the course of time a regiment of British troops marched by, and the man exclaimed, "My, aren't those Redcoats pretty!" But the little boy replied, "They aren't red, they are white. If you don't believe me, just squat down here and look." Just to prove the little fellow was wrong, his Daddy got down on his knees and looked out the window. To his amazement the coats were not red; they looked white.