
The Promise of Grace

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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God's grace is sufficient for us, it's always available, and it's a gift we can share with others.

The Promise of Grace

Youth Group Plan: The Promise of Grace (2 Corinthians 12:9-10)

Youth Sermon: The Promise of Grace


Let's kick things off with a question. What's the coolest gift you've ever gotten? Maybe it was a new phone, a skateboard, or a video game. But no matter how awesome that gift was, it doesn't hold a candle to the gifts God gives us. Today, we're talking about one of those gifts: grace.

Imagine you're a superhero. You've got this superpower that's always there, ready to help you out. That's what God's grace is like. It's a promise from God that's always there for us, no matter what.

Today, we're talking about one of those gifts: grace.

God's Grace in the Bible

In the Bible, there's this guy named Paul. He had something bothering him, like a thorn in his side. He asked God to take it away, but God said, "My grace is enough for you."

What Does God's Grace Mean for Us?

First off, it means we don't need to look anywhere else for what we need. We often try to find happiness in stuff or people, but Jesus is right here, ready to give us His grace. We can chill out and rest in His grace, knowing it's all we need.

Second, we don't have to be strong all by ourselves. God's strength is perfect when we're weak. We can find strength in Him through prayer and admitting we need His help. When we do that, we can experience His power in our lives.

Lastly, we get to share this superpower with others. When we follow Jesus, people notice. We get to show them God's grace and love. It might take some patience, but as we hang out with others, we can show them the same grace God shows us.

Practical Application

So, here's the practical part. Next time you're feeling weak or like you're not enough, remember your superpower - God's grace. It's always there, ready to help you out. And don't forget to share it with others, too.


God, thank you for your grace. Help us to remember that it's always there for us, and help us to share it with others. Amen.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. What does it mean to you that God's grace is sufficient?

2. How can you rest in God's grace instead of striving for other things?

3. How can you show God's grace to others this week?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Gift Exchange

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