
Summary: God had a process of redemption for the people of Israel and He has the same process with redeeming our lives today.

The Process of Redemption

Hosea 2:4-13, 14-15, 19-23

God loves you and will not stop engineering the circumstances of your life until you turn to Him with all your heart.

Notice 10 things about the process of redemption:

1. Gomer and the Israelites turned away from God to go after their own desires. (v.5)

2. There is no satisfaction found in all the wandering. (v.7)

3. God chastises those He loves. (v.10, Heb. 12:5-6)

4. Even in complete rejection, God’s love never fails. (v.13; Rom. 5:8, 8:38-39)

5. God engineered the circumstances to prepare the way for a relationship. (v.14)

6. Only through trouble is there the hope of restoration. (v.15)

7. God forgets the past and wants to enter into a new relationship. (v.19)

8. The response to God’s faithfulness is repentance. (v.20; Rom. 10:9-13)

9. God responds to the prayer of faith. (v.21)

10. God restores the humble and begins to grow them once again. (v.23)

Luke 15:11-32 (17-18)

• The same process of redemption takes place in the life of the prodigal son.

• What kind of wandering have you done?

• Is God engineering the circumstances of your life?

• Are you done fighting?

• Make your confession to God.

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