
Summary: Does worrying help? if 85 % of what you worry about does not happen, is it good to worry and stress about it. where does trust in the Lord fit into your life?

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The problem with worrying

Matthew 6:25-7:8


This morning I want us to look at worry- if some of you are awake this morning, you’d say pastor, we looked at that a couple of weeks ago when you talked about anxiety and I said amen and I took some notes. I thought we would move on.

The Lord wouldn’t let me end it there-

Someone this morning is about to be blessed with answered prayer.

Is that you this morning? Do you want it to be you this morning?

Look aside of you and say I want to be blessed!

Someone or a group of someone’s came to church this morning and believed that God would show up and do something!

Matthew 6:25-34- Read from Bible


Heavenly Father, we come this morning with a heart that is worrying about something- our jobs, our kids, our health, our relationships, the future, the country, money, wither the Baptist will beat us to the restaurant - we worry about something. Help us this morning to put them in proper prospective- help us to leave here today with a heart full of praise instead of a heart full of worry.

When worry comes knocking on our door, may we allow Jesus to answer the door. May the peace of God replace worry and we accomplish all that God has for us in Jesus name. Amen.

Questions to ask yourself-

Does worry help the situation? (Look out) over 85% of what you worry about does not happen.

The things you cannot control- who put you in charge of them? Did you appoint yourself? (Again look out)

Where does faith begin and talents and knowledge stop?

Our scripture are the words of Jesus Christ in one of the best sermon series ever- “The sermon on the mount.”

Jesus dealing with a whole lot of issues going on in a whole lot of people’s lives- Anybody interested?

How to pray and what to be praying for-

Importance of fasting-

Storing up treasures in the right place Those for another time-

And the three I am centering on this morning- Worry, Judging others, and seeking and finding God.

What is common on these three that I would lump them together? They can happen at the same time in our life and mess us up if we are not careful and be intentional on how we handle them.

You would think if Jesus himself was telling you and I not to worry, that that would be enough.

Do not worry about what you eat and what you wear because I will supply. That is what Jesus tells us- the birds don’t worry about their needs and I met them. How much more do I care about each one of you?

2 weeks ago, we looked at anxiety- worrying about things that never happen.

Worrying about things that are out of your control-

Stressing Out! Never disconnecting- is their more to this? Is there another element that we have to find to be less worrisome and more productive? Yes!

To say stop worrying never caused anyone to stop worrying.

Is God first in your life? If you answer No? He needs to be. That is as simple as I know.

If you answered yes, do you believe that God has your back as much as he has the back of His birds?

Is God everything that you need or do you have to say that I need God and…



Material stuff

Different job

If you say God and… anything, (32) Jesus Himself says that the pagans run after all these things.

(33) “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.”

I don’t know about you but that brings me comfort and encouragement-

That God cares for my needs and will supply all our needs according to his riches in Christ Jesus.

That He would say “I will never leave you or forsake you” There may be some bumps in the road but I will be there with you. You will not do it alone.

I love me my birds, but you are a child of mine- I will take care of you!

Worrying is for the birds- somebody say amen!

If we were as unconcerned about tomorrow as a bird is about his food, we would be getting our praise on!

We would be trusting God more and worrying less!

The other element to worrying and anxiety we need to get to is where you fix your focus when things are happening!

Are you putting your energy on the situation or the promise?

“Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it only empties today of its strength.” Corry Ten Boom

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all of these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

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