
The Problem of Sin

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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Despite our sinful nature, we can resist sin and rely on the power of Christ to overcome it.

The Problem of Sin

Youth Group Plan: The Problem of Sin (Romans 1:18-25)

Youth Sermon: The Problem of Sin


Let's dive in. We're going to chat about a book in the Bible called Romans, written by a dude named Paul. It's all about how we can live our lives in a way that shows we're grateful for God's love and mercy. The big idea here is the power of the gospel, which is like a superhero's power, but even better. It brings salvation to everyone who believes.

The big idea here is the power of the gospel, which is like a superhero's power, but even better. It brings salvation to everyone who believes.

Sin and Idol Worship

So, let's talk about sin. It's like this annoying bug that just won't leave us alone. It started with the first two people on earth, Adam and Eve. They messed up, disobeyed God, and because of that, we all deal with the consequences of sin in our lives. But even though we mess up, God still shows us who He is. He's like the artist who leaves his signature on his work - we can see His invisible qualities in the things He's created. But some people choose to ignore God and worship idols instead.

Imagine if you had a pet snake, and you let it loose in your house. It would be chaos, right? That's what it's like when we let sin and idol worship into our lives. It's like giving the devil an open invitation to mess with us.

Resisting the Devil

The devil is always looking for a chance to trick us and lead us away from God. That's why we need to stand firm and not give the devil any room in our lives. We need to put on the armor of God, like a superhero suit, and rely on His power to fight against the devil's tricks.

We've all messed up and fallen short of God's glory. Sin is always waiting to trip us up and lead us off track. But we've got to resist sin and not let it get a foothold in our lives. We need to admit our mistakes, turn away from them, and get rid of anything that leads us into temptation. We've got to take a stand against sin and rely on the power of Christ to overcome it.

Practical Application

So, here's the practical part. This week, think about what might be your "pet snake" - the thing that tempts you to sin. It could be a bad habit, a negative attitude, or even a toxic friendship. Whatever it is, ask God to help you deal with it and overcome it.

Let's pray together. God, we need your help in our battle against sin. Help us to resist temptation and to rely on your power to overcome it. Thank you for your love and mercy. Amen.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. How does sin affect our relationship with God?

2. What are some practical ways to resist temptation?

3. How can we rely on the power of Christ to overcome sin?

4. What does it mean to put on the armor of God?

5. How can we help each other in our battle against sin?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Sin Chain

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