The Privilege Of Attack
Contributed by Wayne Lawson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Oftentimes when our Faith Comes Under Attack, we feel the Sifting of the adversary because we begin to be led by our Emotions.
I shared this challenging thought this past week with a few preacher friends of mine, and they did not know what to do with it. I felt the Holy Spirit deposit this thought in me on last Sunday afternoon, therefore; I have had ample time to pray and seek God’s guidance as to what He wants to say to us this morning. I must admit that at first glance, it appears to be a very challenging thought and a challenging Scripture Text as well. I have enjoyed dialoguing with other Preachers gaining their insight on this text.
Whenever we begin to feel as though our life has come under attack in the spiritual realm, I admit that it does not feel much like a PRIVILEGE. The very word suggests A RIGHT or ADVANTAGE PROVIDED TO ONE GROUP AND DENIED TO ANOTHER.
• What do we do when our Faith is Under Attack?
• How do we respond and how do we behave?
• How can it be considered a Privilege when under Spiritual Attack?
In this Scripture Text read in your hearing we find SIMILARITIES to one found in the OT book of JOB. Here in the NT, we could see that Peter is considered a faithful servant of God’s. He has followed Jesus in His ministry and he has been, and will be, faithful to God. JOB, was considered a righteous man in God’s sight, but, Satan EXPLAINS THAT AWAY - JOB 1:9-12 "DOES JOB FEAR GOD FOR NOTHING?" - “HAVE YOU NOT PLACED A HEDGE AROUND HIM AND HIS HOUSEHOLD AND EVERYTHING HE HAS?”
• You have blessed the work of his hands, so that his flocks and herds are spread throughout the land
• But stretch out your hand and strike everything he has, and he will surely curse you to your face
• The LORD said to Satan, "Very well, then, everything he has is in your hands, but on the man himself do not lay a finger"
• I’m talking this morning about The Privilege of Attack
We find Jesus and the disciples leisurely walking and Jesus stops and looks at Simon Peter and makes a BOLD STATEMENT OF TRUTH. It was right before Jesus was going to suffer and die on the cross that He spoke to His lead apostle - Simon Peter, about his FAITH COMING UNDER ATTACK. If the Apostle Peter’s faith can come under attack then any of us can face such an assault. These words from the Lord offer STRATEGIC HELP when your faith comes under satanic attack. Jesus knows that Peter will falter, later on in this chapter he tells Peter as much, he tells him that he will deny Jesus three times before the rooster crows. But then Jesus, says something that you and I must take to heart, he says - BUT I HAVE PRAYED FOR YOU, SIMON, THAT YOUR FAITH DOES NOT FAIL.
I don’t know about you, but I am glad this morning to know that Jesus is aware of every attack on our faith, even before we are.
• You can’t possibly be going through something alone when He is aware of your circumstances
• God can’t possibly be uncaring if He is concerned enough to pay attention to the details of your life
• Jesus informed Simon Peter that the attack was coming
• Christ’s awareness of the attack on Simon’s faith was in vivid detail
• There isn’t a single detail of your testing that Jesus doesn’t already know about!
I thank God for every alter call that I have been a part of in my life. I thank God for the Praying Saints. I thank God for having PARENTS that have and still pray for me. I thank God for PRAYING GRANDMOTHERS – who spent time calling my name out to God. I thank God for those CHURCH MOTHERS from days gone by that took the time to pray for me - I thank God for my CHURCH FAMILY that lifts their Pastor in Prayer every now and then. Oh, but there is nothing like KNOWING THAT JESUS IS PRAYING FOR ME. Believe that’s a Prayer that I know will get through.
• Jesus said, Peter you will go through some things
• Jesus said, Peter it may appear that you will even let me down along the way
• Jesus said, Peter, you may even get caught up in sin
• But…..I Have Prayed For You
• Peter, in all that you go through – Just don’t lose your faith
• If you keep your faith, I can work with that
• In spite of your attack, if there is just Mustard Seed Faith left in you – you will be alright