
Summary: God’s Presence...what an amazing, energetic, fun, yet terrifying place.

11 Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me. – Psalms 51:11

• What does it mean to be in “The Presence of God?”

o All of my life, the presence of God has been a mysterious place that only “Godly” people could visit.

o Only Priests were allowed to enter the “Holy of Holies”

o I hear people and pastors talk about God “being here” or being in God’s presence,” but what are they talking about.

I. A Place to Worship

a. Worship isn’t just about singing. It’s about service to God, each other and our community

2 Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing.

Psalms 100:2

b. Are you involved in a ministry of our church

i. Our Children’s ministry is exploding

ii. New ministries are on the horizon

c. Are you involved with giving tithes & offerings – that’s an act of worship

d. Are you involved in attending – you all have this one down since you’re here.

Everybody has a good excuse for not attending church. If you take those excuses and apply them to other things we do (or don’t do), like eating, they might look like this list.

I don’t eat any more because…

1. I was forced to eat as a child.

2. People who eat all the time are hypocrites; they aren’t really hungry.

3. There are so many different kinds of food, I can’t decide what to eat.

4. I used to eat, but I got bored and stopped.

5. I only eat on special occasions, like Christmas and Easter.

6. None of my friends will eat with me.

7. I’ll start eating when I get older.

8. I don’t really have time to eat.

9. I don’t believe that eating does anybody any good. It’s just a crutch.

10. Restaurants and grocery stores are only after your money.

II. A Place for Spiritual Growth

a. God sees right through us

13 Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.

Hebrews 4:13

i. We cannot hide anything when we are in the presence of God

1. Greek (opened) – to seize by the throat or neck, i.e. to expose the gullet of a victim for killing (genitive to lay bare) :- opened.—Strong’s Talking Greek & Hebrew Dictionary

ii. We are forced to look into His eyes as He kills our sin nature

b. God brings trials our way for our growth and our cleansing

i. He will always be present in our lives

One Sunday morning, an instructor in a theological school was sharing a seat with a small boy on a shuttle train, says the Philadelphia Bulletin. The boy was holding a Sunday-school-lesson leaflet.

"Do you go to Sunday school, my boy?" asked the man in a friendly way.

"Yes, sir."

"Tell me, my boy," continued the man, thinking to have some fun with the lad, "tell me where God is, and I’ll give you an apple."

The boy looked up sharply at the man, and promptly replied, "I will give you a whole barrel of apples if you will tell me where He is not."

ii. He promises to bring us through the trials…it’s up to us if we are going to grow from them

III. Place to Seek Rest & Shelter

5 For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock. – Psalms 27:5

a. The church is like a MASH unit. It’s purpose is to take care of your wounds, give you a little rest and then send you back out into battle

b. God wants us to rely on Him

28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Matthew 11:28

• To be in the presence of God is “Super Awesome”

• Be prepared to have your life changed

• God’s presence is an amazing, holy, scary, terrifying, exciting, fun place to be. Are

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Jerry Shirley

commented on Dec 2, 2007

Youth pastors, bookmark this guy's page and watch for future messages. I highly recommend his material, even if he is my youth pastor! :-)

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