
Summary: the root form for production is "produce" __produce___to make something ___bring something into existence

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the root form for production is "produce"

**produce___to make something

___bring something into existence

** " our work produced by faith"

** God gave us the ability to produce

__ we have the ability to bring certain things into life.....(this is going to amaze you)

** we can either bear bad fruits or good fruits

__what we hear, listen to see with our eyes, plants seeds within us

__ and we going to produce

** (Gal 5:22)

__the Holy Spirit within us produce fruits (character, emotions, feelings)

** our ability to produce from the ground, gives us the ability to produce from other people

** we cant produce within ourselves, the Holy Spirit does

** when a farmer plants a seed, the only thing in his mind is the production

__ when people start a business they only after production and we only after what they produce (their brands, style, quality, accessibility of things)

** God plants His Word inside us, and He is only after production

** the Word of God is compared to a seed in the bible and our hearts as a farm and the field as the world.....

__(Luke 8:11)

__whenever we hear the Word of God it is like a seed planted and the farmer expect to see a production

** we only plant a pair of seeds but the harvest is much bigger

** whenever God sends His Word through His servants, to us_____He expect it to produce fruits

__(Isaiah 55:11)

__"fruit"___karpos___ fruit of works or deeds, "fruit" being the visible expression of power working inwardly and invisibly, ___the character of the "fruit" being evidence of the character of the power producing it.

___(Matt 7:16)

___"fruits" or deeds

** As the visible expressions of hidden lusts are the works of the flesh

** so the invisible power of the Holy Spirit in those who are brought unto Christ (John 15:2-8,16 ) produces "the fruit of the Spirit,"

** what happens when we hear the Word of God?

1) a seed is planted

__(Luke 8:11)

__the seed carries the fruits

__when a seed is planted the farmer expect it to germinate, and to grow and produce fruits for him to eat

__God expect the His Word to germinated and to grow and to produce fruits

__when you plant a seed it takes time for it to germinate, but with patience and watering it will finally germinate(when God plants a seed He knows that it will take time for it to germinate, but God is patient with us)

__ (1 Cor 3:6)

__when a seed is in the ground you only trust the soil for germination(when the Word of God is in our hearts, God trusts our hearts for germination)

2) a plant grows to maturity

__a seed is planted in the ground, it germinates, and it grows to maturity with proper watering

__the word of God is planted within us(in our hearts), it germinates, and it grows to maturity with proper watering

__when u have heard the word of God you begin to speak it, that's when it is at maturity, you cant keep quite, it is like fire burning in your bones

__how do you water the word of God planted within you

a) study the word

__(Joshua 1:8)

__(Ezra 7:10), (psalm 119:15), (Acts 26:24)

__the Word has certain nutrients for the word planted within us

b) listening to other people preaching

__listen to many people who are teaching the truth and the scriptures

__listening to other people preach has certain nutrients to nature the word of God within us that studying the word of God alone doesn't

__(Matt 7:24) (Matt 11:15) (Matt 13:12)

c) praying

__when you learn to pray in the spirit(tongues), u watering the word of God planted within you

__strong prayer__more effective to give us the result we looking for

__(Matt 7:7) (Colossians 4:2) ( 1 Tim 4:5)

3) production of fruits or works

__when we study the word of God, pray and listen to other people preach the word of God, the word of God planted within us grows to maturity,

__flowers develops at maturity

vv u begin to react in a different form to certain situations, different than how we use to be before

vv you begin to speak differently

vv you begin to see things differently,

vv your works tells people who you are (whether you are a child of God or not)

vv your character changes or develops

__fruits begins to grow or develop

vv you begin to act differently

vv your actions matures

vv your emotions are intact

__the fruits gets ripe

vv 'ripe'__completely developed


vv ready to be eaten

vv in this stage God wants sinners, those that are in need, those suffering they should come to us and collect whatever they want, and we should be able to be their solution

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