
Summary: One click to google and 85 verses pop up about prayer. there is no way to discuss prayer in one sermon. lets just agree that there is power in prayer for the believer.

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The Power that is in Prayer

Phil. 4:6-7, Eph. 6:18, James 1:5

Introduction- Good morning Church

This morning I bring a message that is two -fold about prayer.

It is one that warns us all of Jesus soon return and the importance of prayer and having a living relationship with the lord. Let me define the two.

Jesus is coming back soon. The sign of the times points us to his soon return just like He has promised and proclaimed in his word.

The second is our relationship with him and how we communicate with him through prayer and the reading of His word.

If you are not reading his word and you are not praying and communicating with him. At best, you have a weak relationship with the Lord.

I want to draw us to excitement of his return and I want whatever kind of relationship you have with the lord to be stronger including my own.

Jesus talks a lot about prayer- I found over 85 verses directly talking about prayer by clicking one button and searching prayer on the search engines of the internet. I think there are so many facets of prayer that it is sometimes hard to understand.

Luke talks about being watchful in Luke 12. Read from 35-40 out of Bible.

Be ready for service

Be looking for His return

You won’t be found not ready if you have a heart of expectation that He will come at any time.

I think prayer plays into that and /or the lack of prayer and communication. If we knew the Lord was coming, we would be doing and responding to the words that He has laid down for us and we would be ready for His return.

How many have said…I am going to start to go to church?

I am going to start reading my Bible more?

I am going to do acts of kindness and get involved. We all have! There is a big difference between going too and doing it.

The bible is full of warning to be ready for His return and those found not ready will not make heaven.

Those not ready and those not wanting to have anything to do with God will somehow blame God for them not going to heaven when in fact the blame is completely on the person who chose to not be ready or one that didn’t want to have anything to do with Him.

Because there is so many faucets of prayer-

Corporate prayer , individual prayer, praying for yourself, intercessory prayer, prayer as praise unto our Lord, asking God for our needs, desires, things that we want in your life, things that need to be out of your life. Praying for things within our control and praying things that are out of our control.

We will not be able to tackle all of the areas of prayer in a few minutes-

Let’s just agree to have a heart this morning that would ask the Lord to just help us to do a better job of communicating with the Lord and willing to spend more time with him.

You can see how deep prayer SHOULD BE INGRAINED when I read a portion from my devotional on surrendering to the Lord our lives. You have a copy of this in your bulletin this morning. (Prayer team wanted it in your hands from Wednesday)

Dear Lord, I give myself to you, without reservation, and surrender to you my will, my mind, my emotions, my body, my plans, my hopes, and my dreams. I give you my home, my marriage, my spouse, my children, my geographical location, my recreation, my entertainment, my career. I commit into your hands my successes, my failures, my habits, my finances, my problems, my time, my integrity, my character, my attitude, my business conduct and relationships, my Christian walk, and my response to authority.

I don’t know about you but without God’s help I cannot do it! How About you?

The Nazarene denomination has called for a Half-million man/women prayer mobilization that began March 1-June.

Why would we do that?

Because we cannot do the things that are needed to happen if God is not in it! That is a fact!

Is there anymore of a time that this world needs Jesus?

Is there anymore of a time that what we have been doing in the church to bring people into the church has not been working than now?

Is there anymore of a time that people have been disconnected from God and each other?

If you do not sense a time of urgency, I do not believe you are being watchful. Prayer and communication with the Lord is the only way we will get where we need to be and all that God desires for us to be and for all that God is asking us to do in such a time as this.

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