The Power Of The Seed
Contributed by David Insell on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This is an article I wrote for a newsletter that goes into prisions in the United states.
In this edition we are going to look at the power of the seed. I am going to explore the potential of the seed. I want you to look with me at Isaiah 55:11. We could call this ‘The Power of the Word.’ But we are going to call it ‘The Power of the Seed.’ When we look at Mark 4 it talks about the seed. We know by the interpretation of that parable that the seed is the Word. Many times we talk about God being active in our lives. We talk about God answering our prayers and doing things for us, and we believe that. We think God works out in the heavens from His throne. We think that He does everything sovereignly. No, God works in our hearts and through the things we sow in our hearts. He works through the seeds we put in our hearts. That seed is the Word of God. God works in our lives through the Word.
I taught a series in our church a few weeks ago about being led by the Holy Spirit. I said that the greatest way the Holy Spirit leads us is through his word. The Holy Spirit will never say anything to us inconsistent with what the Word says. In other words, He is not going to say something in the Bible and then say something entirely different to us in our hearts. The Bible tells us we are to try the spirits to see if they are of God. How do you try the spirits? You try the spirits by the Word. God works in his kingdom, through the vehicle of His Word. We are going to find out that the enemy attacks the Word. The reason the enemy attacks the Word is because the Word or the seed is full of power. How is the power of God released? It’s released through His Word. Even in creation, the Bible says, “God said let there be light and there was light.” Every time He spoke something came into existence. God used His Word as a vehicle of His creation. God uses His Word as a vehicle to bring the things in our lives that we need. If you don’t put the Word in there, you don’t give Him much to work with.
Have you ever noticed that in churches where they don’t teach healing that no one is ever healed? It’s churches where they talk about God’s healing power that people are healed. . If you don’t have the Word on the subject usually those things don’t happen. There are churches where no one is ever saved. You know why, because they don’t preach the gospel of salvation. There are churches where no one is ever blessed or prospered. You know why, because they don’t preach that message.
Isaiah 55:11 “(this is the Lord talking) “so shall my Word be that goeth forth out of my mouth and not return onto me void.” That word void means empty or ineffective. Let’s use the word empty and unproductive. “And not return to me empty or unproductive, but it will accomplish that which I please and prosper into wherein I send it.” A good example of that is found in John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.” Verse 14 says, “the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory.” The Word of God came into the earth in flesh form and his name was Jesus. God sent that Word who became flesh into the earth. Was it productive? Did Jesus accomplish anything when he was in the earth? Absolutely he purchased our salvation, he paid for our redemption. He suffered our penalty of death and hell and paid the price for physical healing and peace of mind and prosperity. He 9 the Word) paved the way for us. It was not void of power, it was not empty, and it was not unproductive. It was very productive! And God said “so shall my Word be that goes forth out of my mouth it shall not return onto me empty, void, unproductive but it shall accomplish that which I please and it shall prosper in the thing wherein I send it.”
God did not give His Word to us for it to be inactive in our lives. He gave His Word to us so that it could produce in us. What does it produces? It produces the Kingdom of God. Religion says we are just going to leave everything up to God. That’s not how God works. God has put it in our hands. He will work in your life but you are going to have to give Him permission”. In fact, He’s not going to save you if you don’’ give Him permission. When we say Jesus come into my heart, be my Lord and my Savior, we are giving God permission for His Word to work in our lives. He goes into our spirits and recreates it and makes us new creatures. He breaks the power of sin; and we are no longer slaves to sin. We become the righteousness of God in Him. God’s Word does a work in our lives. The Bible says that we are born again by the incorruptible seed of the Word of God.