
Summary: Many of us love the Lord but we are not fully appropriating the riches we have in our fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, "Those who worship God must worship Him in Spirit and in truth." (John 4:24) Worshiping in the Spirit requires the empowerin

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Symbols Describing the Power of the Spirit - Adapted from Dr. C.I. Schofield’s notes

Many of us love the Lord but we are not fully appropriating the riches we have in our fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, "Those who worship God must worship Him in Spirit and in truth." (John 4:24) Worshiping in the Spirit requires the empowering, enlightening and the instructing of the Holy Spirit. Let us examine some of the symbols used in the scripture to help us fully utilize the fellowship of the Spirit in all aspects of our relationships, activities and personal thought patterns:


l . Water fertilizes and nourishes the weak. The Spirit filled Christians are like watered trees. Psa. 1 :3

2. Water refreshes giving stimulation to the weary and strength to those who are weak. Jn. 4: 14

3. Water is given freely from God for the purpose of giving life. John 7:37,38

4. Water cleanses giving purity to those who are willing to get washed of their impurities. Eph. 5:26

5. Water is abundant as it flows with great force and plenty for all who would drink. John 10: 10

6. Fire gives light to those who realize they are in darkness. John 5:35

7. Fire baptizes by cleansing us from all unrighteousness. Matt. 3: 11

8. Fire purifies away the worthless aspects that cannot stand the test of God’s purification. Mal. 3:2,3

9. Fire burns away the aspects that are unfruitful. John 5:35

10. Fire reveals the hidden aspects as it searches the parts that are covered from view. I Cor. 2: 10

11. Wind is powerful and useful to perform many useful functions. I Kings 19: 11, Acts 2:2

12. Wind revives the dead bones and gives them new life. Ezek. 37:9,10,14

13. Wind is independent and cannot be controlled as God is sovereign. John 3:8, I Cor. 12: 11

14. Wind is invisible but effective even when people do not understand its working. John 3:8

15. Oil consecrates as it dedicates one to be holy, dedicated and anointed only with God’s power. Lk4: 18

16. Oil comforts during the times of great sadness and mourning. Heb. 1:9

17. Oil illuminates those who need a way when there seems to be no way. Matthew 25

18. Oil heals the wounds of those who are hurting. Luke 10:34

19. Rain and dew comes down from God for the sustaining of life in the newness of day. Psa. 72:6

20. Rain is imperceptible like the growth of a plant, but is a gift from God’s hand. Mark 4:26-29

21. Rain refreshes those who are about ready to give up hope. Psa. 68:9, Isa. 18:4

22. Rain is abundant in the way that it is given freely in its season. Psa. 133:3

23. Rain can cause germination and growth in quantity and quality. Ezek. 34:26,27

24. The dove is gentle, harmless and is the fruit of gentle persuasion. Matt. 10:16, Gal. 5:22

25. The still small Voice guides us into all truth as we mature in Christ. John 16: 13

26. The still small Voice speaks conviction, judgment and righteousness. Heb. 3:7-11, John 16:7-11

27. The still small Voice speaks comfort, assurance and encouragement. John 14 26, Matt. 10.20

28. The seal of the Spirit gives us an eternal sense of security. Eph. 4:30, Rev. 7:2

29. The seal of the Spirit authenticates true believers from the counterfeits. John 6:27, 2 Cor. 1 :22

30. The seal of the Spirit secure our down payment on the coming eternal transaction of God. Eph.1: 13,14

31. The Teacher gives only deep, broad, and complete truth without any equivocation. I Cor. 2: 10

32. The Teacher is all-sufficient so that we do not really need to rely on any human for truth. John 14:26

33. The Teacher is unassuming not seeking to exalt Himself above Jesus and the Father. John 16: 13

34. The Teacher is indispensable as only the Spirit can search the spiritual truths. I Cor. 2: 11,14

35. The Teacher enlightens the mind of the simple, ignorant and naive. Eph. 1: 17,18

36. The Teacher quickens the understanding of all aspects of a person’s mind, will and emotions. Isa 11 :2,3

37. The Teacher compares spiritual things allowing believers to have great discernment. I Cor. 2: 13

38. The Teacher reveal hidden things as the Spirit revealed to Simeon by the Holy Spirit. Luke 2:26

39. The Teacher recalls forgotten things that people may need to remember essential facts. John 14:26

40. The Teacher protects us from being slaves to our selfish desires or wrong actions. Acts 16:6,7

41. The Teacher shows us how and when to obey God. Acts 8:26, Isa. 61:1

42. The Teacher speaks to us through personal meditation on the scripture. Acts 10: 19

43. The Teacher motivates us to serve in His power, purposes and processes. Acts 13:2

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