
Summary: The Holy Spirit has the power to change lives and churches

The Power of the Spirit

Acts 2:1-41

I. The Filling of the Holy Spirit (Verses 1-13)

A. The power falls

1. The disciples were together

a.) This is a larger group than the twelve apostles and was estimated to have been approximately 120 of Jesus’ followers

b.) They had gathered specifically to wait for the promise of the Holy Spirit

c.) It can be naturally assumed that they were actively in prayer

2. The Spirit comes quickly

a.) The Spirit arrives in a sudden manner

b.) The author describes the Spirit filling the place with a mighty, blowing wind

c.) The Greek word here is pneuma, which has a double meaning of both spirit and wind or breath. This communicates the completeness of the filling of the Upper Room.

B. The Spirit fills

1. The disciples are filled

a.) The tongues of fire rest on each of the disciples

b.) All of the disciples were filled. Not just the apostles or the main leaders. ALL of the believers were filled by the Spirit

2. The gift of tongues

a.) The disciples were able to speak in tongues. They spoke with many different languages

b.) The term tongues applies to the languages and dialects of the world. This gifting gave the disciples the supernatural ability to communicate and effectively broke down the language barrier

C. The crowds are stunned

1. People were gathered from all over the world

a.) Pentecost was also the Feats of Weeks. This was a major festival in the Jewish year

b.) Jews from various nations and regions had come to Jerusalem to join the festival

2. The people witnessed the event

a.) This event was witnessed by a large crowd of people

b.) The first impression was that the disciples were drunk

II. The Spirit Driven Ministry (Verses 14-36)

A. Peter shares about the Spirit and His actions

1. Peter draws the crowds attention

a.) Peter is filled with courage

b.) Peter raised his voice and demanded the attention of the people

2. Peter defends the disciples

a.) Peter refutes the claims of drunkenness

b.) Peter shows a higher purpose for this event

3. Peter quotes from Joel

a.) God had given the promise of the Holy Spirit

b.) The Holy Spirit is for all people, not just the Jews

c.) God had also given the promise of salvation

B. Peter shares the gospel

1. Jesus came to serve

a.) Jesus performed miracles

b.) Jesus conducted a fantastic ministry

c.) The people knew Jesus. The crucifixion of Jesus would have still been fresh in their minds

2. Jesus died on the cross

a.) God had prepared Jesus for the purpose of salvation

b.) Jesus was crucified until He died and was buried

c.) The events of Jesus’ death were still current because this was about 3 months later. Pentecost or the Feast of Weeks is 50 days after the Passover Sabbath.

3. Jesus was raised to new life

a.) God raised Jesus from the dead

b.) David gives a clear message about the Messiah

C. Peter shares the promise of David

1. Jesus excels beyond David

a.) David is dead

b.) David promises the eternal reign of the Messiah

2. Jesus is indeed the Messiah

a.) Jesus was raised to life and still lives

b.) Jesus has His place at God’s right hand

c.) Jesus promised and poured out the Holy Spirit

d.) Jesus is now both Lord and Christ

III. The Spirit Filled Response (Verses 37-41)

A. Peter offers a call to accept Christ

1. The Spirit is moving

a.) The Spirit anointed the message of Peter

b.) The Spirit convicts the hearts of the crowd

2. The people seek forgiveness

a.) The people ask for help because they do not know what to do

b.) The people are guilty and know that they are in need

3. Peter explains what needs to happen

a.) Peter explains of their need to repent

b.) Receive the gift of God

1,) Salvation through the redemptive work of Christ Jesus

2.) The gift of the Holy Spirit

B. The birth of the early church

1. Peter calls the people to separate from this generation

a.) The generation of the time was religiously corrupt and wicked

b.) This was the generation that was responsible for the death of Jesus

2. Many people were saved on this day

a.) This was the mass evangelism that started the early church

b.) 3000 were brought to Christ that day

c.) This was explosive growth for the church. They went from 120 to over 3000 in one day. It is truly amazing what the power of the Holy Spirit can bring.

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