
Summary: The anointing is a powerful force that enables believers to live victorious lives, to serve, to heal, and to overcome. It is not something we can earn, but rather a gift from God, poured out by the Holy Spirit.


By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 1 John 2:20, 27

Supporting Texts: Isaiah 10:27, Acts 10:38, Luke 4:18, 2 Corinthians 1:21-22


The anointing is a divine empowerment from God that enables a believer to do what they cannot do by natural strength. It is the power and presence of the Holy Spirit that transforms lives, brings healing, and enables believers to fulfill God’s calling. Throughout Scripture, we see how the anointing empowers people for service, ministry, and victorious living. The anointing is crucial for spiritual effectiveness, and in this sermon, we will explore the power of the anointing, how it operates, and its impact on our lives.


a) Spiritual Empowerment

The anointing empowers believers to break free from spiritual bondages, overcoming the yokes of sin, oppression, and limitations.

b) Breaking Chains of Oppression

Just as the anointing destroyed the yoke of the Assyrians in Isaiah 10:27, it removes every yoke of oppression that tries to hold us back.

c) Deliverance from Evil Forces

The anointing enables believers to stand firm against the powers of darkness, bringing deliverance and freedom from demonic influences.

d) Victory Over Spiritual Strongholds

The anointing gives believers the authority to demolish strongholds of fear, doubt, and unbelief, bringing victory over all forms of spiritual bondage.

e) Biblical Example: Jesus’ Healing Ministry (Acts 10:38)

Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit and power, and He went about healing all who were oppressed by the devil. The same power is available to believers today.


a) Equipping for Ministry

The anointing is not for personal glory but for service. It equips believers to minister effectively, whether in teaching, healing, or evangelism.

b) God’s Presence in Ministry

The anointing brings the manifest presence of God into our lives, empowering us to operate in divine authority and power.

c) Fulfilling God’s Calling

The anointing enables us to fulfill God’s call on our lives, whether in leadership, intercession, or the arts, for it is by the anointing that we are empowered to carry out His will.

d) Gifts of the Spirit

Through the anointing, the gifts of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12) are activated, enabling us to prophesy, heal, speak in tongues, and perform miracles.

e) Biblical Example: The Call of David (1 Samuel 16:13)

David was anointed by Samuel to be king over Israel, and the Spirit of the Lord came upon him mightily. This anointing empowered him for leadership and ministry.


a) Healing the Sick

The anointing brings physical and emotional healing. Jesus anointed His disciples to heal the sick, and this same power is available to us.

b) Restoring Brokenness

The anointing restores what is broken, whether it’s broken relationships, broken bodies, or broken hearts. It brings wholeness and peace.

c) Deliverance from Bondage

The anointing of the Holy Spirit can bring deliverance to those bound by addictions, demonic oppression, and destructive patterns in their lives.

d) The Power to Forgive and Reconcile

The anointing also enables believers to forgive and bring healing to fractured relationships, enabling reconciliation in marriages, families, and communities.

e) Biblical Example: The Healing Ministry of Jesus (Luke 4:18)

Jesus, anointed by the Spirit, proclaimed good news to the poor and recovery of sight to the blind. He also set the oppressed free, healing all manner of diseases.


a) Power to Overcome the Enemy

The anointing gives believers divine authority to overcome the forces of darkness. It grants us the ability to walk in victory over Satan’s schemes.

b) Activating Kingdom Authority

Through the anointing, believers are given authority to declare and decree things in the Kingdom of God, activating God’s will on earth.

c) Power to Perform Miracles

The anointing releases supernatural power for signs and wonders, allowing believers to lay hands on the sick, cast out demons, and perform miracles in Jesus' name.

d) Living in Dominion

The anointing restores the dominion that was lost in the Garden of Eden. It empowers believers to reign as kings and priests in Christ Jesus.

e) Biblical Example: The Apostles’ Ministry (Acts 4:33)

The apostles were anointed with great power, and they performed signs and wonders. The boldness and authority of the apostles were a result of the anointing of the Holy Spirit.


a) God’s Favor for Leadership

The anointing often brings promotion, as God sets apart those whom He anoints for leadership and influence.

b) Divine Elevation

Just as David was anointed to be king, the anointing brings elevation in God’s time, positioning believers for influence and service.

c) Favor in the Workplace

The anointing can bring favor in the workplace, opening doors of opportunity and bringing success in all endeavors.

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