
Summary: If Jesus was truly 100% man, how is it that He performed so many miracles of inhuman strength? PRAYER

The Power of Prayer

If I told you that I could show you how to make millions of dollars like Donald Trump in one easy step, would you listen and do it?

Guys, if I told you that I could show you how to win any girls heart with one simple action, would you do it?

Girls, if I told you that you could be the most attractive woman on the planet by following one daily routine, would you commit to it?

When Jesus was living as a simple man on this earth, he may not have been a millionaire, he may not have won some special woman’s heart, he may not have been the hottest guys on the planet – but – he did some of the most incredible things ever recorded in history.

He walked on water…spit in some dirt, put the mud on a blind man’s eyes and restored his sight…raised a few people from the dead…cast demons out of a crazy man…fed thousands with a few loaves of bread and fish…

If Jesus was truly 100% man, how is it that He performed so many miracles of inhuman strength? PRAYER

If Jesus did all those things as a human, does that mean I can do those things to? Anyone who has faith in Me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to my Father.

John 14:12


What has Jesus been doing?

Jesus was starting a revolution! Jesus was challenging the fate of mankind! Jesus was giving us a second chance! Jesus was giving His life.

1. Praying A LOT!

- “But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” Luke 5:16

- “Jesus went out as usual to the mount of Olives…” Luke 22:39

- Mark 1:35 says He went out early in the morning

- Luke 6:12 says that one time he spent the whole night praying

2. Fasting

- Matthew 4:2 tells us that Jesus fasted 40 days and nights

- Matthew 17:21 shows that sometimes we need to fast for God to answer our prayers because sometimes we need more faith.

o Fasting increase our faith

o Increased faith increases our power in prayer

3. Loving on People

- Jesus wasn’t trying to be the popular clique

o It’s not about me

- Jesus cared more about loving the unloved and lonely

- He walked, talked, ate, sat around camp fires…

- He was the perfect politician except that he didn’t care about position…he was moved with compassion

4. Sharing the message of life

- Mark 1:37-39 Jesus told his disciples that he had come to preach.

- Jesus gave his life to get his message across (John 3:16)

We CAN do the things Jesus did…we can do even GREATER things!

WHY? Because of what Christ did on the cross…because he is interceding to our Father on your behalf.

You CAN continue this revolution and more…

You CAN challenge the fate of mankind…

You CAN give your friends and family a second chance…

You CAN give your life away…

…just do the things Jesus did – pray, fast, love, share

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