
Summary: prayer is a formula in which believers use as way to make request, communicate with the Father

prayer is a formula in which believers use as way to make request, communicate with the Father

** we pray so that we don't fall into temptation

__( Matt 26:41)

__when we pray we focus our energy and emotions in Him that has our being

** prayer deposits power inside us....that power is stored in our spirits

__ and when we weak, we are strong because we have power inside us ( 2 Cor 12:10)

__ the moment when you run out of energy in the physical, u can always access the one you stored up

** when you pray__don't pray in the flesh, always pray in the spirit

** prayer develops our christian life into maturity

**what does prayer produce in our lives:

1) Faith

__ when we begin to realize the importance of prayer, we will increase the amount of time we spend in prayer

__(James 5:15)

__ "we pray a prayer of faith"

__ when you get to a point where u feel empty and down ( facing difficult situations).....prayer produce faith that will give u enough strength to move on

2) Results

__ when we pray, Jesus Christ receives our prayers and He gives us whatever we praying for

__( John 14:13)

__(Matt 7:7)

__you can only be given what you ask for

__and we can only ask in prayer through the Holy Spirit

__when we ask, we ask in the name of Jesus Christ

__ Result are given to those who believe whatever they have prayed for

3) growth/maturity

__( Heb 5:14)

__as you get to pray u develop your spirit, you allow your spirit to feed

__ praying allows you to give birth to a new person within you

__ when you pray, you charge your inner person to develop you into a matured spiritual being

__prayer provides nutrients for your inner being (spirit)

4) power

__when we pray we charge our spirit

__(1 Cor 14:4)

__"edify"___to charge

__ prayer energizes our faith through love

__when we pray through the Holy Spirit we receive power

5) self control

__prayer gives you the ability to put yourself under control

__ to control your emotions

__to allow the Holy Spirit produce certain characters(fruits) in you

__ (Galatians 5:22)


** as we pray we should say___(Matt 6:9-13)

** the purpose of praying is to always give us an awareness of the Holy Spirit within us

** there is power in prayer, and that power is given to us through the Holy Spirit

** whatever you want in life you can always get it through prayer, whatever u facing right now, u can always become victorious through prayer

** let us keep on praying, its the only way we can communicate with the Father,

** (Isaiah 65:24)

He is listening we have to speak to Him

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