
The Power of Persistent Prayer

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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Many believe prayer is a futile effort, but without the ministry of prayer, our efforts are in vain.


Many people believe that prayer is a waste of time, but in reality, without the ministry of prayer, our work becomes futile. The early church understood the significance of prayer and relied on it to accomplish great things. Prayer is not just a religious duty; it is a powerful tool that connects us with God and enables us to obtain His blessings and guidance. Let us explore the importance of prayer and how it can transform our lives and the world around us.

I. The People Attending the Prayer Meeting (Acts 1:14)

The early church recognized the need for prayer, and all believers participated in it. There were no distinctions based on education, status, or gender. Church leaders, women, and laymen all gathered together to seek God's presence through prayer. They understood that before ministering to others, they needed to meet with God in prayer.

II. The Procedure Adopted in Prayer

A. Praying Audibly:

The early church prayed out loud, expressing their needs and desires before God. This practice is implied in the text and aligns with Jesus' teaching in Matthew 18:19-20, where He emphasizes the power of corporate prayer.

B. Praying Persistently:

The believers continued in prayer, demonstrating their perseverance and faithfulness. Persistent prayer brings about remarkable results and opens doors for God's intervention in our lives.

C. Praying Unitedly:

The early church prayed with one accord, displaying unity and agreement. When believers come together in harmony, their prayers become more effective and powerful.

D. Praying Fervently:

James 5:16 reminds us of the importance of fervent prayer. The early church prayed with passion and intensity, recognizing that prayer is not a mere formality but a heartfelt communication with God.

III. The Power Attained through Prayer

The early church experienced the power of prayer firsthand. Their prayers empowered them to be effective witnesses for Christ. When Peter preached after this prayer meeting, three thousand souls were saved. This remarkable outcome reveals the impact of prayer on the lives of believers and the expansion of God's kingdom.


The popularity of a church can be measured by the attendance on Sunday mornings, while the popularity of a pastor or evangelist can be gauged by the attendance on Sunday nights. However, the true measure of Jesus' popularity lies in the attendance at prayer meetings. Prayer is not just a heating apparatus for the church; it is a vital connection with God that fuels our spiritual lives.

In the early chapters of Acts, we witness a risen Lord who is accessible through the Holy Spirit and always available through prayer. These elements enable believers to have a revolutionary impact on their world. Let us embrace the power of prayer, recognizing that it is through prayer that we tap into God's unlimited resources and experience His transformative work in our lives and communities.

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