
Summary: This is a message that deals with church growth through preaching


Text: Col.3:1-15 W. Max Alderman

Introduction: The Word of God is the only source for spiritual enlightment. Paul is preaching that the saints at Colosse might be established in the faith, and then that they might be enlightened concerning their bodies, behavior, and their belief.

I. Paul’s preaching was to establish them In The Faith. (Vs. 1-4)

A. He encouraged their activities to be directed towards things above.

(vs. 1)

1. Because of the properness of it. (V. 1 a)

2. Because of the power of it. (V. 1b)

B. He encouraged their affections to be directed towards things above. (Vs. 2-4)

1. Because of the great relationship to Christ. (Vs. 2-3)

2. Because of the great revealing of Christ. (V. 4)

II. Paul’s preaching was to enlighten them in the faith. (Vs. 5-15)

A. Concerning their bodies. (Vs. 5-7)

1. They were to die to fleshly ways. (Vs. 5a)

2. They were to deny the fleshly worship. (Vs. 5b-7)

B. Concerning their behavior. (Vs. 8-13)

1. Their behavior was to be changed. (vs.8-11)

2. Their behavior was to be Christ-like. (vs.12-13)

C. Concerning their belief. (vs. 14-15)

1. Their belief provided for spiritual perfection (maturity). (vs. 14)

2. Their belief provided for spiritual peace. (vs. 15)

Conclusion: Paul, as he does quite often, builds his theology on the resurrection (vs. 1). A man that rejects the resurrection never will be enlightened in any other area.

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