
Summary: A New Year Challenge

At different times and occasions many people entertain feelings of inferiority, solitude and lack of value. This is part of Satan’s whispering to cause us to feel useless.

In verses 1-7, Elijah said: . He is what we would call a suicidal.

In our text, God comes to the prophet and in a sweet smooth voice reminds him that….

1. He has value for God.

2. God is willing to search for him and be close to him.

3. Even we think that we are alone, God is present always and many times along with His faithful (verse 18).

One single life has value and is important to God. Think of how God saved the world (or His people) through one person…

Noah found favor in the eyes of God when the whole world thought evil all the time.

God raised Joseph from the prison to save the world from famine.

God used Moses to take people out of Egypt.

Joshua and Caleb trusted God’s power when everybody else didn’t and were the only grown-ups who entered the Promised Land.

God raised the Judges when people had fallen to their bottom.

King Josiah’s reform postponed the people’s going into exile.

Prophet Daniel remained faithful to God in the midst of exile in Babylon.

Esther was chosen to save the Jews from the outrage of Hamman.

You see that one person matters to God.

Therefore, do not devalue yourself and what you can achieve for God. We believe in the power and potential of one single life. Thus, our theme for 2009 is: The Challenge of One!

What we mean by that is:

In one year,

every one member:

Evangelizes one,

restores one and

teaches one.

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