
Summary: The power of preaching, being filled with His Spirit, walking daily with Him and praying in the power of His name can potentially influence the world.

The Power of Jesus’ Name

Acts 4:1-22

I. Preaching and Teaching In His Name Will Draw a Crowd and a Reaction (v. 1-4)

A. It drew those that were hungry for God and His Word (v. 1a)

B. It drew those that were threatened by the influence of Jesus Christ to change lives (v. 1b)

1. Some were threatened in their power (priests)

2. Some were threatened in their doctrine (Sadducees)

3. Some were threatened in their authority (Captain of the Temple)

C. It caused those threatened to react foolishly (v. 3)

D. It drew thousands to a life-changing faith in Jesus Christ (v. 4)

II. Being Filled With His Spirit Will Bring a Boldness to Seize Opportunities (v. 5-12)

A. Opportunities to glorify God will often come in the face of opposition to God’s moving. (v. 5-7) Many times those claiming to be closest to God in the name of religion no nothing of the power of God.

B. Being Spirit-filled will help us recognize opportunities (v. 8)

C. Being Spirit-filled will help us avoid compromise (v. 9-12)

1. No compromise in whom the Savior is. (“…by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth..”

2. No Compromise in the work of the Savior (“…whom you crucified…whom God raised from the dead…”

3. No compromise in the narrowness of the way salvation. (“.. no other name under heaven…”)

III. Walking With Jesus Will Bring Boldness to Stand (v. 13-22)

A. A consistent walk with Jesus will be evident even to unbelievers (v. 13-17)

1. There will be evidence in your verbal witness (v. 13)

2. There will be evidence in God’s work around you (v. 14)

3. There will be evidence because you will be opposed (v. 15-17)

B. A consistent walk with Jesus will cause you to stand firm (v. 18-22)

IV. Praying in the Power of His Name Will Cause God to Manifest Himself (v. 23-31)

A. They Praised the Power of God in their Prayer (v. 23-6)

B. They Praised the sovereignty of God’s divine plan to save man (v. 27-28)

C. They Prayed for boldness and opportunity to proclaim Jesus to the world around them (v. 29-30)

D. They Saw God honor their prayers by moving among them and giving them opportunity to influence the world.

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