
Summary: The sermon speaks of our calling to unity and the power of God that works through our unified spirits. We must be unified in Christ because anything else is a sin before God almighty!

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Intro: As the Untied states of America we are united because of what we have in common. We all have the divine right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness. As Christians we are called to be united because of Whom we have in common, the Lord Jesus Christ. We will see in Acts Today an example of the early church that will challenge us to unity in Christ.

I. United in Prayer

Note: 1st thing Peter and John did was to go to their own!!!

A) One Accord

1) Reminding us of Pentecost

a) Prayer preceded outpouring of God’s spirit

b) Accord – Acts 4.24 one accord 1 mind, 1 purpose.

Accord in the Greek is a compound word. It comes from a word to mean rush along and another to mean in unison.

When we are rushing along together to do God’s work there is power in our prayer and lives!

NASB James 3.16 “Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous (Niv & Nasb) man can accomplish much.”

NIV James 3.16 “Is powerful and effective.”

Why is prayer so powerful and effective?

2) Prayer is yielding oneself to God. (Letting His power work through you!)

Look at their prayer. Acts 4.24-30

a) A prayer thanking God for His provision, protection, pre-ordaining, and proving who He is through His church.

b) A prayer yielding themselves to God

4.27 You anointed

4.28 To do whatever Your hand and Your purpose predestined to occur.

4.29 grant (use us) Your bond-servants may speak Your word with all confidence

4.30 while Your extended hand Your hand to heal

If you had to underline anything it would be the personal pronoun You, Your. It’s all about Him!!

c) A prayer recognizing God’s control

1) They were united in realizing and accepting God’s control over the Church.

2) Their prayer is powerful and effective because of their allowing God to rule in their lives and their righteousness given by Jesus.

Righteous – observing divine laws Matt 7.21,22 (Jesus not all who say Lord Lord, but all who do will of my father)

-- approved of or acceptable to God

B) One Lord (They were in one accord because they had 1 Lord)

Charles H Spurgeon, The essence of Separation

“To remain divided is sinful! Did not our Lord pray, that they may be one, even as we are one”? (John 17.22). A chorus of ecumenical voices keep harping the unity tune. What they are saying is this, “Christians of all doctrinal shades and beliefs must come together in one visible organization, regardless. . .

Unite, unite!” Such teaching is false, reckless and dangerous. Truth alone must determine our alignments. Truth comes before unity. Unity without truth is hazardous. Our Lord’s prayer in John 17 must be read in its full context. Look at verse 17: “Sanctify them through thy truth; thy word is truth.” Only those sanctified through the Word can be one in Christ. To teach otherwise is to betray the Gospel.

1) Unity is found when we trust Christ alone and accept His Gift of salvation and are filled with His Spirit of Unity.

1 Cor 12.4-6 “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit, there are different kinds of service, the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men.”

Ephesians 4.4-6 “there is one body and one Spirit – just as you were called to one hope when you wee called – one Lord, one faith, one Baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.”

2) Truth alone unites. Jesus is Truth!!

Transition: Their prayer to one Lord and One God ultimately opened the door for the spirit to fill them fresh and revitalize them. (Their unity of pray led to moving of the spirit)

One Christian filled with the Spirit has power many are powerful

II. United in the same Spirit

It is through Jesus the truth, and the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth that we have life and we learn to live.

A) Spirit of Truth

1) In Him we have life

2) In Him we have the way to live

· When a community of Christians unites in prayer to the one true God things begin to shake. The building where they were praying shook.

· We however do not move God with our prayer. Instead we remove the hindrance from God moving in our lives and this world.

o 4.31 shaken (Answer to united prayer – God refilling of Spirit (eph 5.18

§ When we truly unite in prayer in the Spirit of God shackles fall away from people (Peter in prison chains fell off)

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