The Physiology Of Faith - Addendum - The Healing Ministry Of Jesus Series
Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Dec 27, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: Out of 3,774 verses in the four New Testament Gospels, 484 relate specifically to healing physical and mental illnesses and the resurrection of the dead.
In Mark, 209 verses out of 666 connect to the miracles of Jesus. Of the 1,257 narrative verses in the Gospels, 484 (38.5 percent) are devoted to describing healing miracles
Jesus spoke the words of God in His ministry:
. . . I do nothing of myself; but as my Father hath taught me, I speak these things. (John 8:28)
Jesus did the work and will of God:
For I came down from Heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of Him that sent me. (John 6:38)
I must work the works of Him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. (John 9:4)
. . . My meat is to do the will of Him that sent me, and to finish His work. (John 4:34)
The purpose of Jesus was to destroy the works of the enemy, including sin, sickness, and bondage:
. . . For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil. (I John 3:8)
The works Jesus did please the Father:
. . . for I do always those things that please Him. (John 8:29)
There are several New Testament references where Jesus healed everyone present:
-Acts 10:38
-Luke 4:40; 6:17-19; 9:11
-Matthew 4:23-25; 9:6,35; 10:1; 12:15; 14:14,34-36
Jesus healed many types of diseases:
-Deaf and dumb
-Palsy or paralysis
-Chronic hemorrhage
-Withered hand (deformities or paralysis)
-Restoration of an ear that was cut off
-Raising of the dead
-Maimed (as used in Mark 9:43, clearly this indicates a limb gone)
The motivating emotion in the healing ministry of Jesus was compassion. (for examples see Matthew 9:36; 12:9-13; 14:14; 18:27; 20:29-34; 29:34; Mark 1:41; 3:1-5; 5:19; Luke 6:6-10; 7:12-15;10:33; 14:1-6; and John 11:38-44). Other emotions Jesus expressed in the healing ministry were grieving, anger, sighing, and weeping.
Jesus used various methods in healing. Sometimes Jesus called the sick to Him (Mark 3:1-6). Other times they called for Him (see the story of the Centurion's servant in Matthew 8:5-13; Luke 7:1-10 and the healing of Jarius' daughter in Matthew 9:18-19; 23-26).
Jesus dealt with the whole man, not just the physical condition. He taught forgiveness of sin and healing together. Sometimes He healed first, then forgave sin (see Luke 17:9 and John 5:14). Other times, He forgave sins first, then healed (see Mark 2:1-12).
Sometimes healings occurred without faith on the part of the sick person (at least it was not mentioned):
-Lazarus: John 11:1-44
-Malachi's ear: Luke 22:50-51
-Gadarean maniac: Mark 5:1-20
-Deaf and dumb man: Mark 7:32-35
-Peter's mother-in-law: Luke 4:38-39
-Widow's son: Luke 7:12-15
-Man with the withered hand: Mark 3:1-5
-Man born blind: John 9:1-7
-Daughter of Abraham: Luke 13:10-13
-The nobleman's son: John 4:46-50
-Centurion's servant: Matthew 8:5-13
-Syrophoenician's daughter: Matthew 15:21-28
-Jarius' daughter: Mark 5:35-43
Sometimes healings occurred because of faith on the part of an individual:
-Two blind men: Matthew 9:27-31
-A leper: Matthew 8:2-4; 20:29-34; Mark 1:40-44
-Ten lepers: Luke 17:11-19
-Two blind men: Matthew 20:29-34
-Blind Bartimaeus: Mark 10:46-52; Luke 18:35-43
-Woman with the issue of blood: Matthew 9:20-22; Mark 5:25-34; Luke 8:43-4
Sometimes healing occurs because of the faith of others:
-The Centurion's servant: Matthew 8:5-13
-The nobleman's son: John 4:46-53
-Four who brought the palsied man: Matthew 9:1-8; Mark 2:1-12; Luke 5:17-26
-The Syrophoenician's daughter: Matthew 15:21-28
-Dumb possessed with the devil: Matthew 9:32-33
-Blind/dumb, possessed: Matthew 12:22-23
-Jarius' daughter: Mark 5:35-43
-Deaf and dumb man: Mark 7:32
-Blind man: Mark 8:22-26
Jesus used different verbal methods in healing. Sometimes He spoke the word of pronouncement only:
-Daughter of Abraham: Luke 13:10-13
-Nobleman's son: John 4:46-50
-Blind Bartimaeus: Mark 10:46-52
-The two blind men: Matthew 9:27-31
-Centurion's servant: Matthew 8:5-13
Sometimes He spoke the Word of command:
-The man with a palsy: Luke 5:17-26
-Jarius' daughter: Mark 5:22-24, 35-43
Sometimes Jesus combined command and touch:
-The leper: Matthew 8:2-4
-The two blind men: Matthew 9:27-31
-Peter's mother-in-law: Luke 1:38-39
-Deaf and dumb man: Luke 7:32-35
-The widow's son: Luke 7:12-15
-Daughter of Abraham: Luke 13:10-13
Sometimes Jesus prayed:
-Peter's mother-in-law: Luke 4:38-39
-The deaf and hard of hearing man: Mark 7:32-35
-The widow's son: Luke 7:12-15
-Lazarus: John 11:38-44
-The man with the withered hand: Mark 3:1-5
Jesus didn't need to be physically present with the sick in order to heal. He healed from a distance:
-The Centurion's servant: Matthew 8:5-13
-The nobleman's son: John 4:46-50
-Daughter of Syrophoenician woman: Matthew 15:21-28
Jesus often commanded the sick to do something as part of the healing process:
-The man with the withered hand was told to "stretch it forth": Luke 6:6-11
-The paralyzed man at Bethesda was told to "rise, take up thy bed and walk": John 5:1-9
-The nobleman with a sick son was told, "Go thy way": John 4:46- 54