
Summary: “Thanks be unto God for His indescribable gift.”

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The Perfect Gift

12/21/08 PM

Text: 2 Corinthians 9:15


As I stated in our lesson this morning, the Christmas season is upon us, one cannot deny the evidence all around us. Since shortly after Thanksgiving Day the merchants broke out the Christmas decorations in every store, mall, and specialty boutique. (And let’s not mention the onslaught of Christmas catalogs!) What I did not mention this morning was my own views concerning this National Holiday. But since it came up in a question following services this morning, I thought I would share. First let me say that I do not celebrate Christmas as a Holy Day. There is no basis in Scripture to elevate the status of December the 25th over any other day of the year. What is quite clear in the Scripture is my duty to observe the first day of the week as the Lords day. And that is the only day of significance to me as a follower of Jesus. Proclaiming the 25th as the day our Savior was born is the construct and tradition of men, nothing more. Historically and scripturally it is just another day. Now having said that, let me say this, I do celebrate the season of Christmas. That is to say, I celebrate the fact that much of the world chooses to acknowledge Jesus at this time of year. I celebrate the spirit which is promoted during this season, the expressions of peace, good will and love that are promoted at this time of the year. I celebrate the recognition of friends and family which rise to the forefront of our thoughts and feelings during this season and I do recognize friends and family during these times with prayers as well as cards and gifts.

Which brings be to our lesson for this evening. We are going to look at the single most perfect gift ever given or received in the history of the world, a gift which Paul called “indescribable!”

I.The indescribable gift

A.A spontaneous expression of thanks by Paul

1.It was not uncommon for Paul to praise and thank God in his writings, this is one of those moments.

2.The word translated indescribable here means, what cannot be related, unutterable. It occurs nowhere else in the New Testament.

a.The idea is that no words can properly express the greatness of the gift freely given to man. It is higher than the mind can conceive; higher than language can express.

B.God’s indescribable gift is, of course, His Son.

1.The most glorious, wonderful, and perfect gift ever given.

a.So Jesus is uniformly represented;

1)(John 3:16) For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.

2)Gal. 1:4; 2:20; Jesus gave himself willingly;

3)1 Tim. 2:6 gave Himself as ransom

4)Tit. 2:14 gave Himself to redeem us from every lawless deed.

b.Man had no claim on God. He could not compel him to provide a plan of salvation; and the whole arrangement: the selection of the Savior, the sending him into the world, and all the benefits resulting from his work, are all an undeserved gift to man.

1)(Isaiah 9:6) For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; and the government will rest on His shoulders; and His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.

2)(Romans 5:8) But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

3)(1 John 4:9-10) By this the love of God was manifested in us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world so that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

C.We should react as did Paul

1.This is a gift unspeakably great, whose value no language can express, no heart fully conceives:

a.Because of the inexpressible love which he showed us;

b.Because of the indescribable sufferings which he endured;

c.Because of the inexpressibly great benefits which result from his work.

2.Thanks should be rendered to God for this. We owe him our highest praises for this:

a.Because it was mere benevolence in God. We had no claim; we could not compel him to grant us a Savior. The gift might have been withheld, and his throne would have been spotless.

b.Because of the benefits which we have received from him. Who can express this?

1)All our peace and hope; all our comfort and joy in this life; all our prospect of pardon and salvation; all the offers of eternal glory are to be traced to him.

c.We have no prospect of being happy when we die but in virtue of the “unspeakable gift” of God.

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