The Parable Of The Weeds
Contributed by Ron Hietsch on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: We are the sons of the kingdom even though we at times act like the weeds. The reverse is also true. There are weeds that act like Christians but are really weeds
July 17, 2005
Matthew 13: 24-30, 36-43
9Th Sunday after Pentecost Series A
The Parable of the Weeds
Grace Mercy and Peace from God The Father and our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ
One of my favorite persons in the Bible is the Apostle Peter. I can
easily identify with him. Artists have depicted him as large and
rather hairy. He spoke sometimes without thinking -- He was
handy with the sword -- and he liked mountain top experiences.
More importantly --- He clearly stated that Jesus is the anointed
one -- the Christ -- the long awaited Messiah the son of the living
Jesus said that this statement of faith is the rock upon which the
church is to be built. Later, in moments of panic, Peter denied
Jesus -- yet Jesus lovingly reinstated Peter at one of His post
resurrection visits. After Peter’s Pentecost experience, he was
full of the Holy Spirit and he boldly stated -- while deep in hostile
territory -- I might add-- That salvation is found only in Jesus. (Acts
4-12). This confession of faith at that time and place was bold and
not “politically correct” -- Even today it makes people nervous ---
it offends some --they ask “ what about all the good people that
don’t trust in Jesus” ? The world and some compromising
Christians think we are narrow minded when we speak the truth in
love -- the exclusivity of Jesus as the only way to the Father is
however Biblically correct.(John 14:6) In Peter’s second epistle he
makes an appropriate comment. He said some people distort
scriptures, to their own destruction. (2 Peter 3:16)
Today’s Gospel reading has been misinterpreted and distorted by
some throughout history.
Verse 38 says the field is the world -- not the church -- this is
essential for the proper understanding of this parable. The good
seed stands for the sons of the kingdom --- those who trust Jesus as
their savior ---- the weeds are the sons of the evil one. Jesus is
saying that He will take care of the weeds when He is ready.
There is a message here for the Jews of Jesus’ time that might go
right over our heads but they would most likely understand. ---
Remember Matthew was writing from a Jewish world view for a
Jewish audience. The weeds represent the other nations -- the
gentiles. The Israelites had a long unpleasant co-existence with the
gentile nations. Slavery in Egypt, constant battle with other people
in Canaan and domination by world powers such as the the
Assyrians, the Babylonians, The Persians, The Greeks and at the
time of Jesus the Romans. The Jews were expecting a Messiah
that would lead them to military victory resulting in annihilation or
slavery for the Gentile nations. The nation of Israel was told by the
prophets to be a light to the gentiles -- not an executioner -- but the
message was not accepted. Jesus said in essence --- leave them
alone they are my problem. Christians at various times in history
have not followed this advice and have distorted these words of
scripture. For example much of Europe was evangelized by the
sword. Maybe that explains why that after only 11 or 12 centuries
-- a day or two in God’s perspective -- most Europeans are
Christian in name only and the churches are for the most part
The message of the Bible clearly states to trust in Jesus for our
salvation -- For it is by Grace that we have been saved --through
faith -- We can not save ourselves.
Remember, the field is the world --- not the church -- as we trust
Jesus for our salvation we can also trust Him to deal with the
weeds in the world at a time of His choosing not ours.
Admittedly, our world situation makes this a difficult task at times.
We look in certain places and from a distance see all weeds and no
wheat. The weeds -- the sons of the evil one -- demonstrate
hostility towards us and cause injury and death. For now we can
and should defend ourselves --but Jesus will see that they are
thrown into the fiery furnace. This will happen on Jesus’ schedule
and by His will not ours. It may, after all, be His plan that their
hearts be changed. Jesus does not want us, in our misplaced zeal,
to cut short any man’s time of Grace.
Are there weeds in the Church? -- Todays lesson does not deal
with this issue. -- We need to make distinctions here -- remember
the weeds are the sons of the evil one -- not the sons of the
kingdom who are beggars at the foot of the cross -- trusting in Jesus