
Summary: How the 21st century church wins

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The Victorious Church

Real LIfe Worship Center

PO box 23394 Waco, Tx 76702


October10, 1999,, AM

Danny L. Williams

Intro. I believe that we are in one of the most powerful move’s of God in history , these Last Day’s God is Raising up a victorious Church all across america, .

See.. All over the body of Christ there is a hunger, A hunger for revival, for unity, and for God to do what ever he want’s to do..There is a cry going out this morning for Jesus to heal our land.


Ask your self this question " How can we have a move of God that will start a revival fire? and once that has been established " How many of us want to be a part of it?


Before we can establish a Victourious Church we need some answer’s..

Text: Mt 16:13-20

I. Back ground

Jesus has lead his disiples into Gentile territory, in the region of Caesarea Phillipi. They were about 120 mile’s north of Jerusalem in Northern Palistine.

This area was identified by various religion’s , Baal worship, greek superstition, and a large temple probably in view of them , to honor Caesar Agustis.and Jesus has an an announcement, that He would not yet establish his kingdom but he would build his church.

A. Concern #1 V.13-Who do men say , that I the son of man , am?

Two thing’s must be clear in the disiple’s mind’s before they can go any further.

1. Who is he?

2. What is he going to do?

Two thing’s are essential before a Victorious church begin’s.

1. We need to know who Jesus is

2. What he has done.

If any one else would ask this Question, we might see them as arrogant or mad, but in this case, a right confession of who he is , is the basic to salvation.

See His person and his work go together and must never be seperated...

B. Confusion V.14- It is amazing to see how confused the public was about Jesus..

You know why so many are confused today? Because the church get’s in the way..They see religion not relationship.... they see how we act and treat each other..One man said Christian’s are the only one’s who shoot there wounded

Perhaps .. Like Herod the people thought Jesus was John raised from the dead....Or maybe they remember the prophecy that Elisha would come again....But the bible say’s that John came in the spirit and power of elisha.... or Jeremiah the weeping prophet..whose heart was broken for the decay of the nation, Certainly this attitude was seen in Jesus... A man of sorrow......

1. One thing is clear: We can never make a true decision about Jesus by taking a poll of the people....

C.Confession #2 V. 15- The decision’s of the crowd (right or wrong ) can never substitute for personal decision’s....

2.the important thing is not what other’s say but what you personally say????

V. 16-

peter’s confession... I like peter , Because he gives Danny Williams Hope.... Sometime I’m walking on water but sometime’s I’m sinking...

1. How many of you know Christ is not Jesus Last name???

2. Christ is from the greek word christo( which mean the anointed one

3. the son of the living God.... this was the Highest tribute that could be made of him.

Friend’s listen" this is who Jesus is"

D. V. 17 --Jesus Respond’s..But see Jesus didn’t get there emotion’s involved this was a revelation from God....


See the courage to speak must be matched by wisdom to listen.....

1. V. 18- Tho art Petros - a stone- and upon this Petra

A large bedrock ...

The roch is Jesusnot peter , why would God build on a man who in just 5 vs later Jesus rebukes?

2. I will build---Jesus is responsible for building and we are responsible for obeying.... " Revival is a renewed passion to obey God"

3. My church... It’s not you church... church. it’s his...

When we understand this Glory and Revival fall’s

4.this is the first occurrence of this Important word in the New Test.

Greek Word is Ekklesia.... which mean’s "A called out assembly" -

E. CommandV. 18-the gate’s of Hell... Hell -- The final destiny of all unsaved people... but Jesus is refering to the realm of death... and spiritual warefare.. Gate’s the Power and authoriy .

So Jesus is saying that the power and authourity of Death and Satan ... Cannot prevale.. hallelauia....

1.V-19 Key’s to the kingdom... A badge of authourity...

See I have Key’s to my house and to my car. But there is a master Key..

2. Bind and Loose.....

And what ever you bibd on earth(forbid to be done), shall have been already heaven; and what ever you loose on earth (permit to be done) . shall have already been loosed in heaven.

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