The New Life
Contributed by Donato Solano on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The old life has been taken away and we are created new again. We are given a new beginning.
1. That the students see the newness of life in Christ.
2. That the students become conscious of the kind of life God desires.
3. That they will begin to change their ways of living.
We have found a new relationship with God. We have been forgiven and cleansed through Jesus Christ. The old life has been taken away and we are created new again. We are given a new beginning. The kind of job or work we have does not change our new status in God. We must live a new life.
“Taong-grasa (bum) Illustration” What if he is adapted by a rich couple and declared legally as one of their children, would it be good if he will continue to live as a taong-grasa, dress as a taong-grasa and eat like a taong-grasa? What is the best thing to do?
Optional Introductions:
1. Distribute a “Spiritual Birth” Certificates with names and dates of conversions are still blank. Ask them to fill the blanks. Emphasize to them that it is a symbol of their new birth and new life from God.
2. Have a drawing of a big tree with many branches and have them attach their names on each branch. Be sure that the name Jesus is also written on the trunk of the tree. Emphasize their connection with the Lord.
Discovery Question: How can we demonstrate this new life?
Our NEW LIFE in Christ must lead to our new…
Note to leader: Have a good grasp on the “pakikisama” values
“Iba ang may pinagsamahan”
Filipinos hold on this value and cherish it very much and this goes along with the “utang-na-loob”. That is why one beer company in the Philippines capitalized on this culture and made as its campaign slogan. We put premium on “pakikisama”. How can we be sure as that this “pakikisama (getting along as friends)” will not be turn ito “pakikisama” that means becoming evil with them.
a. Fellowship with other believers. (Acts 2:42-47; Hebrews 10:24-25)
-to strengthen faith
-to study Scriptures
-to pray for one another
-for corporate worship
-for encouragement
b. Friendship with non-believers. (1 Peter 2:11-12; Acts 1:8; John 15:19, Matthew 5:13-14)
-testimony of changed life
-witness of God (evangelism)
-effect/influence change in community
Our NEW LIFE in Christ must lead to our new…
II. AMUSEMENTS (“Libangan”)
Jueteng, lotto, sweepstakes, card playing (how about without bets), liquor drinking including “tsismis”if classified by peers as “libangan” (past time) softens the thought of it as bad habits.
Discovery Question: Can Christians still be part of it?
Scripture Text: 1 Peter 2:1-3; Ephesians 4:28; 1Thessalonians 4:1-12; Colossians 1:10; 2 Timothy 3:2-4
a. Respect of others: Our “libangan” must reflect respect of other person.
-Desiring for your neighbors/friends’ money is not a good intention.
-Talking about others with intention to destroy their image is bad
-Will it gives good report/reputation for the church and other believers in the community
b. Respect of God: Our “libangan” must also demonstrate our respect of God.
-Consistent with our faith
-Pleasing to God
-Can we praise God with it.
c. Respect of self: Our “libangan” must also enhance self-worth
-Dignity to new identity
-Direction to fullness of maturity in Christ
You may look the same physically but once you accepted Christ the Lord, you are new inside. This change that happened inside must be demonstrated through the way you live out your faith. LIVE YOUR NEW LIFE IN CHRIST. No one will know that you have been born-again unless you begin to live a new life.