
Summary: Part of 60 Sermon "expository" series available at website with Formatted Notes, Handouts, Powerpoint Templates and Presentations.

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all 3 parts to this message in formatted text version and PowerPoint template are free at:

The New Jerusalem

Rev. 21

Human history began in paradise…the Garden of Eden. And it will all end in paradise…the New Jerusalem.

v. 5 this sums up the last 2 ch’s of Revelation…all things will be new.

v. 6 “it is done”

What began in Genesis is brought to completion in Revelation.


1:1 - heavens & earth created 21:1 - New heavens & earth

1:16 - Sun created 21:23 - No need for the sun

1:5 - Night established 22:5 - No night there

1:10 - The seas created 21:1 - No more seas [exiled on Patmos!]

3:14-17 - The curse announced 22:3 - No more curse

[satan, serpent, soil]

3:19 - Death enters history 21:4 - No more death

3:24 - Man driven from paradise 22:14 - Man restored to paradise

3:17 - Sorrow & pain began 21:4 - No more tears or pain

Don’t you look forward to going to heaven? “What a day that will be…”

10 Facts about The New Jerusalem: [1st 5 tonite…]

1. Heaven is a Real Place

liberals deny existence…say it’s a state of mind/wishful thinking…but Jesus said “I go to prepare a PLACE for you…there you shall be also” [Jn. 14]

It’s literal, tangible, described in detail. The emphasis is on what John SAW…w/ literal eyes.

v. 1 “saw”

v. 2 “saw”

Heaven is as real as Decatur is…but may smell different!

And we’ll have real bodies…glorified bodies! Jesus rose from the dead in His glorified body. He could pass thru walls, but yet he could touch people, sit down and eat…praise God!

It will be a different existence, but as real as it gets!

2. Heaven is a Remaining Place

v. 1 “passed away”

Nothing you see on this physical earth is going to last…nothing will remain. We like to have nice things and we should enjoy them, but don’t get too attached…they are not permanent. In the end, all we have left is our soul! All we will have in eternity is the treasures we send ahead.

“Only 1 life…”

Ill.—[fictitious] 2 women died. One was stingy/miserly. She was a Christian, but very greedy…and when she gave it was grudgingly.

She had a maid working for her…she didn’t have much, but loved to give, and looked for opportunities to do so.

Both women died. An angel escorted the wealthy woman around. He said, let me take you to your new home, and on the way we’ll pass by your maid’s house. Down the golden street they went, and as they approached a great mansion she said wow, and that’s just for my maid?! I can’t wait to see my place!

They moved on to a cardboard shanty. “What is this?”

“Sorry, we did our best w/ the materials you sent us!”

Jesus said we send ahead of us treasures--by how we serve, how we give now.

Every stain of sin, every evidence of evil will be vanquished as well when the old earth is destroyed! And all that will be left is our souls and our spiritual investments, stored up for us.

One of the most precious experiences we will have in heaven is being approached by someone who says, I got saved because of your witness, your testimony, your missions giving, your prayers, etc.!

Heaven is a real place, a remaining place…

3. Heaven is a Readied Place

v. 2 “prepared”

I’ve done a lot of weddings…and it takes the bride a long time to get ready…hours and hours…w/ someone just for dress, hair, makeup, etc.

And the Lord has spent a lot of time, and is sparing no expense in readying heaven for us. [2,000 years compared to 6 days of creation! And there’s some great beauty in this earth…even tho’ it’s been cursed!]

R.G. Lee—“Heaven is the most marvelous place the wisdom of God could conceive and that the power of God could prepare.”

The butterfly, the sculpted rose, the stars and planets…all in 6 days…and by comparison to heaven, the Grand Canyon will be an infected wound!

Ill.—little girl born blind/only beauty she knew came from her mother’s descriptions/flowers in spring, trees in fall, snow in winter, ocean in summertime/girl could only imagine/at 10 years of age, had experimental surgery to help her see/bandages for several weeks/moment of truth came…bandages removed and she saw/ran to the window and stood breathless/ “mother, why didn’t you tell me it was so beautiful?”/ “I tried to, but words just wouldn’t suffice!”

I believe that in heaven we’ll run around breathless, and when we see the apostle John we’ll say, “why didn’t you tell me?” and he’ll say, I tried, but words wouldn’t suffice!

1 Cor. 2:9

But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

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Talk about it...

Ronald Gregory

commented on Sep 13, 2006

Enjoyed message. Very helpful and a blessing!

Douglas Poffenberger

commented on Sep 13, 2006

I really appreciate the exposition of the Word! Accurate message.

Ronald Thomure

commented on Jun 27, 2007

Very detailed message. It really helped me to understand more about Heaven!!

Mike Gilbert

commented on Jul 11, 2007

Well done.

Steven Osborne

commented on Sep 14, 2007

Well ordered thoughts on a much needed theme! Thanks.

Noel Cruz

commented on Oct 14, 2007

I enjoyed every minute listening to the streaming audio. Indeed, no words can express the awesome splendor of HEAVEN...the place God prepared for His children!

Mark Smith

commented on Aug 5, 2008

Yes, Glory to the name above all other. This is great stuff.

Akeem Adeyinka Adeyemo

commented on Jul 9, 2014

Quite an elaborate teaching. I have adapted it for Bible study for a small congregation. However, I do not agree with the authour that we will see a man-made thing in he stated in paragraph 3 under subheading 4 ...'Heaven is a Place of Relationship'. Blessings!

James Fesh

commented on Oct 12, 2014

Akeem, The man made thing he is referring to is the scars on Jesus hands and feet as an eternal reminder of what our sins did to Him and His great love for us.

Menton Shields

commented on Oct 4, 2016

Praise God-well done,frank shields

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