
The New Creation

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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Exploring the biblical description of the New Creation, our eternal home, and understanding how our lives now can impact our future in the New Creation.

The New Creation

Youth Group Plan: The New Creation (Revelation 21, Revelation 22)

Youth Sermon: The New Creation


Have you ever thought about what the future holds? I'm not talking about next week's math test or the upcoming school dance. I'm talking about the BIG future. The one that's way beyond high school, college, or even your first job. Today, we're going to dive into what the Bible says about our future. And trust me, it's way cooler than any sci-fi movie you've ever seen.

Imagine your favorite video game. Now, imagine it in 4D. Not just seeing and hearing, but feeling, smelling, even tasting the game. Sounds crazy, right? But that's what the Bible describes our future to be like - a total upgrade from our current reality.

Today, we're going to dive into what the Bible says about our future. And trust me, it's way cooler than any sci-fi movie you've ever seen.

The Future According to the Bible

Our story started in a garden, but it's going to end in a city - a super cool one called the New Jerusalem.

Israel, that tiny country you hear about in the news, it's a big deal in God's plan. It's like the main character in the story of humanity.

You know those crazy signs in the sky we sometimes see? They're not just for show. They're signals that we're getting closer to the end game.

Jesus is coming back, guys. And it's going to be epic. Think of the most dramatic movie scene you've ever watched, and multiply it by a thousand.

There's going to be a seven-year period called the Tribulation. It's going to be tough, but it's also going to lead to something amazing.

Jesus is going to rule for a thousand years. Imagine the best leader you can think of, and then imagine them being perfect. That's Jesus.

There's going to be a final judgment. It's like the ultimate report card, but instead of grades, it's about how we lived our lives.

Then comes the New Creation. It's a new heaven, a new earth, and a new city. And it's going to be perfect. God's going to live with us. No more distance, no more wondering. He'll be right there with us.

The New Creation is going to be diverse. People from every nation, every culture, all living together in harmony.

There's going to be a river of life and a tree of life. It's like the ultimate health and wellness package, but it's free and lasts forever. The New Creation is going to be beautiful. Think of the most beautiful place you've ever seen, and then imagine it being even better.

We're going to have new homes, and we'll live near our loved ones. It's like the best neighborhood ever.

Time will still exist, and we'll keep learning and growing. It's like school, but without the boring parts. We'll have jobs, but they'll be jobs we love. It's like finding your dream job, but it's even better. And the best part? There are rewards. Not just any rewards, but rewards for being faithful to Jesus.


So, what does all this mean for us right now? It means we have a future to look forward to. It means that even when life gets tough, we can keep going because we know something better is coming. It means we should live our lives for Jesus, because He's got an amazing future planned for us.

Let's pray. Lord Jesus, thank you for the future you have planned for us. Help us to live our lives for you, knowing that you have something amazing in store for us. Amen.

So, guys, as we go about our week, let's remember that we're not just living for today. We're living for the ultimate upgrade - our future in 4D.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. What stood out to you most about the description of the New Creation?

2. How does the promise of the New Creation impact how you live now?

3. What are some ways you can strive to live without spot or blemish this week?

4. How can we support each other in living for the New Creation?

5. What are you most looking forward to in the New Creation?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Building the New Jerusalem

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