
Summary: This is the third sermon in a series about Jesus being The Great Nevertheless. He keeps wonderfully surprising us. Using the Lord’s "nevertheless" statement in the KJV we get a delightful glimpse of our awesome Savior.

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“Oh My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.” (verse 39)


• Peggy Haymes wrote the following poem entitled Good Friday Gossip

He never did things the way we said he ought.

He let his boy be born in a dark, old place and no one even knew except some field hands.

And the boy was brought up in a little country town,

Not studying to be a preacher or a doctor but a carpenter.

When he should have been settling down with a nice, young girl,

he was out roaming the hills with a bunch of no-goods.

Sure enough, he got himself into trouble.

The judge let him have ii – sentenced him to die today.

But the craziest thing of all [you won’t hardly believe it],

the boy’s daddy says his son wins by being beat, lives by dying

We can’t make much of it around here.

We were just sorry to see that boy die so young – seems an awful waste.

[Event Magazine, April, 1983]

• “Seems an awful waste” – yet God calls what Jesus did a win.

• In her poem Peggy Haymes gives us a good look at Jesus, The Great Nevertheless.

o We can’t understand Him

o He doesn’t fit our molds

o His life is…well…so different

o He fits none of our expectations as a God or as a Savior

• “Got Himself in trouble”…and I want you to know that I’m glad He did.

• The destiny of the whole world and of each individual life rests on the shoulders of that one word “nevertheless”. We’d be doomed if Jesus had not gone to the cross to die for our sins. And He did it willingly. He gave total submission and surrender to His Father’s will.

• Today we are continuing our look at “Jesus the Great Nevertheless” by looking at “The Nevertheless of His Surrendering”

• The word “surrender” is looked down upon by us. Why many would rather die than surrender. Yet Jesus is the Great Nevertheless, so different than us. He willingly surrendered and in so doing shows us that surrender is the only way to spiritual victory.

• Notice that I said “showed us” rather than “told us”. That is so important. I want you see for yourself.

• There is so much in this passage, so let’s proceed verse by verse.

Verse 36

• “Then”

o Last Supper – Someone will betray Me and all of you will forsake Me

o John tells us He prayed even before getting to the garden. As He stepped into that garden, you were in His prayers (John 17:20). His prayer was for you and His pain was for you

• “with them”

o Eleven disciples

o One was already moving quickly – the feet of that one had already been washed by the One he was seeking to betray

• “Gethsemane”

o It was a garden situated at the foot of the Mount of Olives.

o There were no gardens in the city of Jerusalem

o This was a familiar place to Jesus

• “cometh Jesus” – to continue His praying

• “Sit ye here”

o The disciples were there for comfort and support

o They could only go so far with Him, and then He would have to go alone with God. That is the way it is with us too.

Verse 37

• “He took with Him”

o Jesus took His closest friends, as He made the most important decision of His life.

o Do we usually think of God’s want of support from us when we think about God?

• “sorrowful and very heavy”

o These are some mighty strong words.

o “sorrowful” – it means “away from home”, “desolating loneliness”

o When Jesus began His ministry the crowds were with Him. Well, they had left long ago.

o When He began His ministry the rulers were interested, but now they are plotting His death.

o He had called a large number of disciples, but that was down to 12. Twelve? One was bringing the soldiers. Well, He at least had 11! No 8 were left at the gate of the garden. Ok, 3 are better than having no one. But we’ve already read where they will soon be fast asleep. ALONE!!!

o Can you try and get a grasp of this desolating loneliness?

o “very heavy” – speaks of the anguish of the soul struggling to free itself from all the pressure exerted on that life.

o Have you been there? Remember that God has too!

Verse 38

• “exceeding sorrowful” – God the Son went through this for you and for me. We are the ones who broke His heart.

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