The Never-Ending Story Of God’s Love
Contributed by David Cromie on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: We learn about God’s love from His nature and His actions.
Text: Psalm 136
It is the word that has inspired thousands of songs. It is the concept that has led Taylor Swift, Elvis Presley, Neil Diamond, the Backstreet Boys, and the ever-talented David Hasselhoff to successful musical careers. Love is the very thing that leaves teenage girls and grown women alike awake late at night dreaming about their weddings, and leaves many teenage guys wondering “if I keep lifting weights for several hours a day, will it make me better at talking to girls?” All of this leaves us with the impression that love is a very complicated concept. Our psalm today mentions love in every single verse, but what is it saying? If we look closely, we are introduced to an important concept: we learn about God’s love from His nature and His actions.
Psalm 136 reviews the history of Israel and expresses praise to God for His consistent love throughout Israelites history. The Old Testament records examples of God’s people following that pattern in worship. God commanded His people in the wilderness that once they settled in the Promised Land they were to worship by:
• Bringing offerings to Him
• Reviewing their history
• Giving God thanks for all He has done for them (Deut. 26:1-11)
Psalm 136 is a hymn meant to be sung responsively. Hymn psalms typically include a call to praise God and then describe the reasons to praise Him.
Translating the different Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek words used for love in the Bible, the CSB renders the word “love” 766 times. And if we look at the broader expressions of God’s love toward man (care, mercy, compassion, etc.), it would be nearly impossible to count.
Perhaps the most important Old Testament term describing God’s love is chesed. It’s a Hebrew term for God’s unfailing love. It is always translated:
• His love is eternal. – CSB
• His lovingkindness is everlasting. – NASB
• His love endures forever. – NIV
• His mercy endures forever. – KJV & NKJV
• His steadfast love endures forever. – ESV
• His faithful love endures forever. – NLT
• His love never quits. – MSG
A summary of the way chesed—kindness and faithful love—are used reveals a broad spectrum of meanings:
? Deeds of devotion
• Faithfulness
• Favor
• Goodness
• Kindness
• Loyalty
• Mercy
• Unchangeableness
All of these words mean loyal love, but that seems to fall short of a full expression.
While any single definition is inadequate, God loves to be loyal to His promises and His covenant people. We may not tend to think of loyalty as love—due to our language deficit—but think of God the Father, who is always loyal to keep His promises, it is His character.
It’s who He is: He is always true, always faithful, and always loyal to His Word and to His people. We often say we believe in the promises of God, but do we connect this to His nature as a loving God and Father? We say God loves us, but do we reflect on the immeasurable nature of His love: that He chose us before the foundation of the world, sent Christ to die for us, indwells us with His Spirit, is merciful, compassionate, and forgives us again, and again? God never gets tires of our prayers nor does He get disappointed and abandons us.
The psalmists’ paints vivid portrait of God’s faithful love. No matter what you feel regarding human love, I encourage you re-think and re-frame your view of God’s love for you. Spouses, parents, siblings, children, and close friends will fail us. Rather than become jaded or withdrawn, be mindful that we, too, fail in our love toward others.
But beyond the broken hearts and broken relationships, the perfect God loves you perfectly. Your God and Father is indeed the greatest Lover of your soul.
This morning, I want to look at three characteristics of God’s love of who He is.
A. Reveals the character of God.
1) He is good. V. 1
2) God of gods. V. 2
3) Lord of lords. V. 3
4) He does great wonders. V. 4
5) He is creator. V. 5
B. God is thoroughly and consistently good.
C. God’s character is:
1) Steadfast
2) Powerful
3) Reliable
4) True trustworthy
5) From first to last
A. These verses detail historical events of Israel’s slavery in Egypt. Ex. 6 – 14
What was God’s loving provisions of justice during this time in Israel’s history?
B. God gives 7 freedom promises that tell us of His faithful love for His people. Ex. 6:6 – 8
1) I will deliver you – v. 6a