
Summary: A 4 Point sermon offering a look at some things that should charachterize the life of someone who has entered at the strait gate and is now on the narrow way.

“ The Narrow Way Life”

(Matt. 7:13-14)

* This chapter covers many aspects of the Christian life.

* Also serves as a warning to all regarding deception and false teachers.

* All paths do not lead to Life, Righteousness, or Heaven

All foundations do not stand the test.

* There is only one name, man, way…Jesus.

* As many as have received him(entered the strait gate) ought to also walk in him (narrow way).

* You cannot be who you were (1st Cor 6:9-11)

You are a new creature (2nd Cor. 5:17)

You can never live sinless perfection, but you should have the barrel of your life at least pointed in that direction. You will miss the mark from time to time but you should be aiming at it.

* Gods people are on a narrow path that is diametrically opposed to the “broad way”.

* Gods people are to present themselves daily to him as well as have their minds renewed every day. This keeps us from conforming to the world and its ways, but continues our transformation toward the will of God and the character of Christ.

* We walk a path that others cannot know, appreciate or enjoy unless they enter the “Strait Gate”

* As those on the “Narrow Way” let me point out 4 things that we should be careful to maintain:

I. A Proper Perception

*perception= using our senses to acquire information regarding our environment or a situation.

* The masses in the world have no idea of truth. They view today’s issues and answer todays questions through the eyes of the latest science or self-proclaimed guru of sorts.

* WE hold a Biblical World View- all things relative to the truth of Gods word

II. A Comprehensive Consecration

* To consecrate something means to “declare it holy or set apart for specific use”.

* We should dedicate our home, job, possessions, whole life, whole heart

* Love the lord w/all heart, mind, soul, strength- all I am

* Too many people only want to allow God to be Lord over part of their life and person.

III. A Continuing Confession

* Confession begins at salvation when we confess our sinfulness and neediness.

* We embrace by faith, as fact, that Jesus died for the forgiveness of our sin and that he was buried and rose again to give us eternal life and a justified standing before God.

* We will stumble! John said to believers that If we say we have no sin, we lie

But if we confess..God is faithful to forgive and that he is just in doing so.

* We will need reviving. We must humble ourselves, pray, and turn……..confess!

* Don’t we see that the narrow walk is one of constant repentance and faith as we confess our neediness and weakness to God while depending upon his cleansing and strength? (Isaiah 6)

IV. A Delightful Declaration

* The many that are on the broad way must not only see that we are different but they must also hear why we are different.

* faith comes by hearing. We must be telling people of a narrow and strait way that God has prepared for people to approach Him. We must tell them about Christ. His love, manifestation, crucifixion, resurrection, ascension and imminent return.

* It is the most important communication we will ever be involved in.

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