
Summary: Different reactions to the empty tomb.


John 20:1-10.

While Jesus’ enemies had been busying themselves setting a watch over His tomb, the disciples had been sitting quietly at home, keeping the Sabbath. At first dawn Mary Magdalene - and some other women - came to the sepulchre, and found the stone had been rolled away (John 20:1)! Jumping to an immediate conclusion, Mary left the other women to make their own discoveries. She ran immediately to tell Simon Peter (who had run away while she kept vigil at the Cross); and John (who had been there to the bitter end, and with whom Mary the mother of Jesus now resided).

“They have taken away the Lord!” she exclaimed. (She does not say who she thinks “they” are.) “And we (plural) don’t know where they have laid Him” (John 20:2)! (Notice she is still talking about “the Lord” and “Him” - not ‘the body’ or ‘it’).

The men set off on a footrace (John 20:3-4), leaving Mary to return to the tomb at her own pace. The Lord’s mother probably remained still in the house.

Arriving first at the sepulchre, John looked into the tomb and saw the linen clothes lying (John 20:4-5) - but he did not enter. Peter arrived and immediately went into the sepulchre, and noted the arrangement of the clothes (John 20:6-7). Then John went in, and “seeing he believed” (John 20:8) - although just what he was believing at this stage he was not so sure (John 20:9).

Thereafter the men went home (John 20:10)

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