The Missionary Farmer.
Contributed by Robert Laymance on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: In this season of planting and sowing, there are principals used by farmers that apply to all Christians.
I remember the first time my wife and I harvested our garden. The fresh produce and fruits were encouragment for all the labor and efforts we went through with. It is great to know that in due season we shall reap if we faint not. The Holy Spirit will lead you in sowing for God’s garden. The Light of the glorious gospel will shine when the Word of God is preached in power and much assurance. Lord help Us to Sow.
In the book of Hosea.10:12. we are told to break up the fallow ground, or plowed soil that has sat awhile.
It is so near the appearing of the Lord Jesus that we need to be busy sowing for Him because there will be a reaping day after while.
*.A Missionary Farmer is Aware of the Seasons...
( latter times, last days, apostacy, )
* A Missionary Farmer is Aware of the Soil...
( rich or poor, the nutrients, )
( sinners, the field or the world, thorns of the flesh or our Adamic nature...)
* A Missionary Farmer is Aware of the Signs...
( moon, rain, farmers almanac, weather..)
1. The Farmers Opportunity...
a. to enjoy the harvest..1-thess.2:19-20...1-thess.4:14...philip.2:16...one day we will rejoice for those we have witnessed to...judgement seat of Christ..
b. to increase his house...1-tim.6:18-19..titus.3:8...2-john.vs.8...acts.20:35...
c. is impossible without help of God..john.15:3...acts.26:22...philip.4:13,19..
2. The Farmers Obstacles...weeds,pests,diseases...
a. preparing the soil...luke.9:62...1-corin.9....hosea said to break up the fallow ( undisturbed ) ground...plow by prayer, witnessing, burden for sinner...
b. planting the seed...( precious )..1-corin.3:6...acts.1:8...matt.9:36-38...
c. pests and plights( bugs and plant diseases )...satan’s hiderances, back-slidden saints, worldly pleasures over the things of God...
3. The Farmers Outcome...(your harvest)..
a. planting brings produce..galat.6:9-10....seed in the barn or shelved wont produce...if we sow we will reap...
b. reaping brings rejoicing..luke.15:7..john.1:45...john.15:2-8...
c. harvest time at heaven’s throne...luke.15:7...revel.22:12...
The Missionary Farmer has the Seed of the Word of God. He prepares the soil by disturbing it and we do by praying for conviction on sinners. He knows he must sow in the right time in order to have a harvest. Will you have a heavenly harvest when the reaping time comes?