
The Mission

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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Jesus came to earth to bring the Kingdom of God. His mission was to heal people, defeat evil, teach about the Kingdom, and establish God's rule. Today, Jesus invites us to join his mission and bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth.

The Mission

Youth Group Plan: The Mission (Matthew 4:12-25, John 14, John 15, John 16, Acts 1:8)

Youth Sermon: The Mission

Jesus' Mission and Our Role

You know how every superhero has a mission, right? Like Batman fights crime in Gotham, or Spiderman swings around New York saving people. Well, Jesus had a mission too. He came to earth to bring the Kingdom of God. His mission was to heal people, defeat evil, teach about the Kingdom, and establish God's rule. And guess what? He didn't do it alone. He chose a group of ordinary guys, just like us, to help him. And together, they changed the world.

Now, let's think about this. Jesus did some pretty cool stuff when he was on earth. He changed lives just by being around people. But here's the kicker - God's plan was always to empower others, like you and me, to continue his mission.

Sometimes we think that only superheroes or Jesus can do great things, but that's not true. Jesus believes in us. He wants to use us to complete his mission on earth.

So, what can we do? We can believe that God's Spirit inside of us has the power to change the world. We can look for opportunities to help others physically, emotionally, and spiritually. And we can trust that God will use us in a powerful way.

Jesus believes in us. He wants to use us to complete his mission on earth.

Object Lesson and Scripture Reading

Now, let's do a little object lesson. I want you to think of a time when you helped someone. Maybe you helped a friend with homework, or you helped your mom with chores. How did that make you feel? Pretty good, right? That's a tiny glimpse of what it feels like to be part of God's mission.

Let's look at Matthew 4:12-25. After Jesus was baptized and tempted, he began his ministry. He moved from Nazareth to Capernaum and started preaching the message of repentance and the nearness of the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus knew he was the light of the world, the hope we needed.

Jesus called fishermen to join him in his mission. He knew it was too difficult and dangerous to do alone. We should also look for others to join us in the mission. Don't underestimate people's potential. The Kingdom is a community, and it needs people to carry on the mission.

When Jesus called the fishermen, they immediately left everything and followed him. There was something compelling about his invitation. What motivates you to change direction or try something new?

Being part of the Kingdom means addressing the holistic needs of others. Jesus traveled, taught, proclaimed the good news, and healed people. We may not be able to do everything Jesus did, but we can still meet the real needs of those around us. The Holy Spirit empowers us to minister and share the Kingdom.

Large crowds followed Jesus because of the Holy Spirit's power in him. The same Spirit lives in us, empowering us to share the Kingdom. Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to be with us forever. The Spirit gives us power to be witnesses and carry out the mission.

Application and Prayer

So, how can we apply this to our lives? This week, look for opportunities to help others. Maybe it's helping a friend with homework, or helping your mom with chores. Maybe it's standing up for someone who's being bullied, or sharing the love of Jesus with someone who doesn't know Him. Remember, the Spirit is with you, and the Father loves you.

Let's pray. God, you sent Jesus to establish your Kingdom on earth. Help us to see where you are at work and join you in your mission. Give us the courage to make a difference. Amen.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. What motivates you to share the gospel?

2. How can you teach, proclaim, and heal in your everyday life?

3. How do you feel about the idea that the Holy Spirit empowers us to share the Kingdom?

4. Who can you think of that could join you in the mission?

5. What are some ways you can meet the real needs of those around you?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Logo Mission

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