The Mission Statement Of Christ
Contributed by Christopher Nerreau on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: In This Sermon We Will Allow Christ To Clearly Tell Us Himself, Why He Came As We Look At The Mission Statment Of Christ.
The Mission of Christ
Isaiah 61:1-3
• Having been a Christian for a while now I have heard argument after argument on the topic of why Jesus became flesh and died on the cross.
o Jesus came to help us become better people
o Jesus came to build establish the church
o Jesus came to save us
• It was not until I had read and understood the prophet Isaiah (61:1-3) that I realized I did not have to guess what Jesus mission was here on earth, He has told us clearly Himself what it was.
• Read: Isaiah 61:1-3
• Read: Luke 4:18-20
• Explain that Jesus claimed the prophecy of Isaiah as a prophecy of His mission statement.
• We do not have to guess, wonder or worry about what Jesus mission here on earth was, Isaiah prophesied his mission and Jesus confirms it.
Today I will show you:
1. The Focus Of Christ’s Mission On Earth
2. The Function Of Christ’s Mission On Earth
3. The Fulfillment Of Christ’s Mission On Earth
So let’s begin by looking at…
I. The Focus Of Christ’s Mission On Earth: Poor and Underprivileged
• Clearly this passage shows us that the focus of Christ’s ministry was people but not the people you may think.
o Mt. 9:12 "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.”
o Mt. 11:28 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened”
o Luke 15:7 “I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.”
o Mt. 5:3 “Poor In Spirit, Meek, Those who Mourn”
• In vs. 1-3 we can clearly and plainly see who are the people Christ was focused on:
o Vs. 1 The Poor
o Vs. 1 The Broken Hearted
o Vs. 1 Prisoners
o Vs. 2 Those who mourn
o Vs. 3 Those who grieve
I think Christ would surprise us all: If Christ came in the flesh today; I do not think he would seek to have dinner at the house of a priest, pastor, minister but rather He would invite them to come with Him to the home of a Homosexual who has aids and is an alcoholic seeking help. A person who is down and out and realizes that he does not have it together and needs God’s help!
Do you find that offensive? Well the Pharisees sure did… Mt. 9:11 “When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, "Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and `sinners’?"
•Although this was an extreme example the fact of the matter is that those who realzie that they do not have it together and need God instantly become the focus of Christ’s ministry.
• Does this describe you tonight?
• Maybe you feel like Christ has given up on you?
• Hear Christ in vs. 1-3 as He describes those He came to save… (Read)
So we have seen the focus of Christ’s ministry but what about…
II. The Function Of Christ’s Mission On Earth: Proclaim Freedom
• I have heard it said that if Jesus were here He would be driving a big fat Cadillac and sporting designer clothes.
• The truth is they are close, Jesus would be driving a Hummer because he would have to cart around the 12 disciples.
• But Seriously, Jesus function was not to be our genie in a bottle; Christ came to set us free! Notice vs. 1 “He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.”
o Three images: 1. Bind up wounds, Freedom for Captives, Release from the dark cells of our lives…
• Jesus seeks to set free:
o Those who are broken hearted – Fill our voids
o Those who are in bondage – Chemical Dependence, ect…
o Christians who are trying to earn God’s approval – Legalism
• Jesus understood the struggles of a legalistic approach toward God. He understood the burden of the law and came to set religious minded people free. Gal 5:1 “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”
• When we daydream about winning the lottery what is it that we really want? Is it simply material things, power, fame? Or is it more?
• I would submit to you that what we really want freedom! Freedom to live without the yoke of financial burden.
• This is what Christ offers! I dont mean financial freedom but freedom within any circumstance of our lives.