
The Miracle of Leftovers

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 12, 2023
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Why did Jesus instruct his disciples to gather the remaining fragments after everyone was full? The scripture does not reveal what Jesus did with these leftovers.


Today, I want to talk to you about the significance of leftovers. As Americans, we are blessed with an abundance of food and resources. However, this has led to a culture of wastefulness. We often prepare more than we need and end up throwing away leftovers. But in the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand, we see a different perspective on leftovers.


In this well-known miracle, Jesus took a small amount of food - five barley loaves and two fish - and miraculously fed a multitude of people. After everyone had eaten and was satisfied, Jesus instructed his disciples to gather up the fragments that remained. He wanted to ensure that nothing was wasted.

Faith and Trust in God's Provision

Why did Jesus do this? It's interesting that the Bible doesn't explicitly tell us what Jesus did with the leftovers. However, we can glean some important lessons from this act.

Firstly, Jesus wanted to teach his disciples about faith and trust in God's provision. When Philip questioned how they could feed so many with so little, Jesus was testing his faith. He wanted Philip to understand that with God, nothing is impossible.

Valuing Small Blessings and Miracles

Secondly, Jesus valued even the smallest blessings and miracles. The fragments left over were evidence of God's grace and provision. Jesus didn't want them to be considered worthless or discarded. He wanted his disciples to recognize the abundance of God's blessings in their lives.

Similarly, in our own lives, we often overlook the small blessings and miracles that God provides. We focus on the big things and forget to appreciate the little fragments of grace. But if we take the time to gather up these fragments and recognize them as blessings, our faith will be strengthened, and we will experience the love of God more deeply.

Multiplying the Little

Sometimes, we may feel like our contributions or resources are insignificant. We may think that what we have to offer is not enough. But just as Jesus multiplied the small amount of food to feed thousands, he can take our little and make it much. We need to trust in his power and have faith that he can use our offerings for his purposes.


So, what should we do with the leftovers in our lives? We should gather them up and preserve them. These fragments are meant to be shared and re-gifted. We should serve up the leftovers of our miracle moments, sharing the abundance of God's blessings with others.

In conclusion, the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand teaches us the importance of valuing and appreciating even the smallest blessings in our lives. We should not overlook or discard the fragments of grace that God provides. Instead, we should gather them up, recognizing them as evidence of God's love and provision. Let us have faith in God's ability to multiply our offerings and use them for his purposes. May we always be grateful for the leftovers and share them with others, spreading the abundance of God's blessings in this world.

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1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ___________ adipiscing elit. Integer imperdiet odio sem, sed porttitor neque elementum at. Vestibulum sodales quam dui, quis faucibus lorem gravida vel. Nam ac ______ mi. Sed vehicula interdum tortor eu sodales. Integer in nunc non libero bibendum sodales quis vitae enim. Sed congue et erat ut maximus. Proin sit amet erat a massa dignissim _________ quis at lorem.

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