
Summary: They that worship God must worship in spirit and in truth. Not by rituals or ceremonies or traditions. Today we are going to see that the true meaning of the supper is not about ceremony or tradition, but all about are Savior.

Jesus was a man who cut across the grain of His day. He had little or no use for rituals and traditions, that has little or no meaning. They that worship God must worship in spirit and in truth. Not by rituals or ceremonies or traditions. These are just outward signs. Worship is a personal, spiritual, intimate experience between the sinner that is saved by grace and his Lord and master. John 4:24. yet Jesus founded two rituals or two ceremonies that the church practices to this day. Why?

1. Baptism: it is an act of obedience. it is a picture of what Jesus did as he went into the grave and arose. We are sinners, die with him and come alive to him.

2. We will see that the Lord’s supper is also a picture of his death.

I. The Lord’s Supper is a Picture of His Death

1. 1 Corinthians 11:26

2. Baptism is a picture.

3. The Lord’s supper is a picture.

4. It's not a picture of his life, it points to the death of Christ.

a. Galatians 1:4; 2:20

b. 1 Peter 1:18-19; Romans 5:8

5. The Lord’s supper is a picture of the death of Jesus Christ. Baptism is a picture of the death, the burial, and the resurrection.

6. Some say Why do we not observe foot washing as an ordinance?

a. What constitutes as an ordinance? It has the picture of the death and the resurrection of Jesus.

b. Foot washing is a picture of humility not the death of Jesus.

7. The Greek meaning of the words, as often as you do it, do not mean:

a. Anytime you remember Jesus, you are to take the Lord’s supper, but

b. It means we are to take the Lord’s supper in order to remember Jesus.

8. The Devil is constantly trying to forget about Jesus.

a. God wants us to be in unity. John 17:20-21

b. As we focus our attention on Jesus, and we gather around Jesus, we become one.

c. If we begin to gather around and experience, suddenly there is a division in the body of Christ.

d. It is also true if we gather around certain little doctrines or teachings. It brings about division in the body of Christ.

e. Gathering around Jesus brings a unity born of the Holy Spirit.

9. We must constantly be reminded that salvation is not an emotional experience. That it is not a doctrine, it is not something you believe. Salvation is a person, Jesus. 1 John 5:11-13

a. God does not want us to forget that Jesus died, bled, and was raised again for us.

10. The Lord’s Supper is a picture of His death. How? Verse 24

a. We always take the bread and the cup separately. Bread represents the body, the cup, the blood, and when the body is separated from the blood. The result is always death.

b. Body broken first, before the blood was spilled out.

11. Verse 26; ye do shew the Lord’s death.

a. This word, “shew” is the same Greek word used other places meaning, preach or proclaim.

b. Every person taking the supper tonight will be preaching a sermon.

II. The Lord’s Supper is a Promise of His Return

1. 1 Corinthians 11:26; till He comes.

2. Matthew 26:28; ground deep in the Lord’s Supper is the promise of His return.

3. There was a custom in those day, among the Roman warriors, a victory supper.

a. One day I will have the victory meal with Christ.

b. 2 Samuel 9:1

III. The Lord’s Supper Requires Preparation for those Who Partake.

1. This supper is not to be taken lightly. It is a serious matter.

2. To take the supper lightly without examination of myself is to ask for God’s judgment upon my life.

3. What is this spiritual examination?

a. To be done by myself, through the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

b. The Holy Spirit is the light if we open the door.

4. Of known sin in my life, grieving the Holy Spirit.

5. Broken vows, “Lord I will.”

6. Quenching the Holy Spirit not following His leadership.

a. Are you doing everything you know to do?

b. Can God do anything with your life He wants to?

7. Now I want us to have a time of self-examination. Just between you and the Lord. If you need for me to pray for or with you come.

8. Matthew 26:26; Take bread and pray.

9. Matthew 26:27; Take cup and pray.

10. Mathew 26:30; Sing a hymn and dismiss.

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