
Summary: This is a day of symbols or day of signs. We want people to know where we stand.

Paul had a sign, a symbol and every where he went people knew to whom he belonged, and they knew where he stood. Verse 17, “I bear in my boy the marks” or the stigmata, that mark of the Lord. The Greek word stigmata has reference to a custom back in those days. A very cruel custom of branding a servant. Either with the name of the owner or some other mark, so wherever the servant went people would know who this servant belonged. Paul said, “I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.” I belong to Jesus. Every person bears the marks of his master.

The brand of Jesus upon the believer symbolizes.

I. Our Position as a Servant

1. The word means a bond slave or someone who is owned by another person.

a. Romans 1, Philippians 1:1

b. Titus 1:1, 2 Corinthians 4:5

2. Again, it was a custom in those days to brand a slave.

a. Jude 1

b. James 1:1

c. 2 Peter 1:1

3. I am bound to my master. I am under total control of my master.

a. The master could do as he pleases with the slave.

b. If the master wanted to kill the slave, he could.

4. The slave could not marry a wife without permission of the master.

a. Had to marry who the master said.

b. If he wanted children, the master had to give permission.

5. The slave and all He could ever accumulate belonged to the master.

6. The bible does teach if you come to Jesus, you belong to Jesus.

a. Jesus is Lord, master.

b. Romans 14:8-9, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20; 1 Peter 1:18-19

7. If a person understands this, you don’t need to beg Him to be faithful, to serve, to give.

8. Our position as a servant means two things.

a. A new life

1) Verse 15

2) The important thing is not circumcision, not baptism, but a new creature.

b. A new lifestyle

1) Verse 16

2) Walk according to this rule that I am a servant to Jesus.

II. Our Pride as a Servant

1. Being a servant of Jesus is nothing to be ashamed of.

2. Verse 17, I bear in my body the mark.

a. The word bear means to bear triumphantly.

b. It has the idea of a man carrying a trophy.

3. Exodus 21:1-6

a. Every seventh year the Hebrew slave could be set free.

b. A man had the chance to be set free, but he did not have to go.

4. When the slave renounced his freedom, to be a slave forever, he was saying something.

a. He lived his master.

b. What a master that man had.

5. Paul says, “Don’t feel sorry got me.” I bear triumphantly my marks. I am a Christian.

6. If Jesus were to come to you and say, “I know you want to go to Heaven when you die, I am going to set you free. You can live any style you want.”

a. You don’t have to obey me.

b. You don’t have to serve me.

c. You don’t have to give, come to church.

d. Don’t worry about it. No punishment, still go to Heaven when you die. What would you do?

7. Another way to ask is, “Are you serving Jesus, because you love Him?”

8. Do you know the happiest man in the world is that person who enjoys doing what he has to do?

9. Verse 14, Paul says, “I have been set free from the world.”

a. The world is dead to me.

b. I am dead to the world.

III. Our Protection as a Servant

1. Verse 17, “Let no man trouble me.” Keep away, I belong to Jesus.

2. If you saw a slave and he had the mark of his master, you better not bother the slave, because you would have to answer to his master.

3. The slave would say, “I am his property.”

4. God takes care of His own, He protects.

5. I am supported by my master.

6. I am His responsibility, He protects me.

7. Christian, today do you realize you belong to Jesus.

a. What is there to be afraid of?

b. Let no man trouble me, I belong to Jesus.

8. To the believer:

a. There is freedom is slavery.

b. There is peace in walking according to that rule.

9. I bear in my body the marks of the Lord.

a. Our position, is a slave

b. Our pride, bear triumphantly

c. Our protection is in God.

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