
The Making of a Great Dad

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 9, 2023
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Exploring the seven essential qualities that define a godly father


Today, I want to discuss the qualities of a godly father. Fatherhood is a complex role, and there are various types of fathers, including biological fathers, stepfathers, absentee fathers, and even deadbeat dads. However, being a father requires continuous growth and learning to become a godly father. In this sermon, I will share seven essential qualities that a godly father possesses.

A Godly Father Lights the Way

A godly father is a teacher who guides his children. Just as a flashlight illuminates the path in the dark, a father lights the way for his children. Teaching is crucial, as Jesus emphasized in the Greatest Commandment: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength" (Deuteronomy 6:5). Fathers are responsible for impressing this commandment on their children by discussing it at home, during walks, before bedtime, and in the morning. Teaching should be intentional and planned.

A Godly Father is a Leader

A godly father leads by example. He directs his children to follow the way of the Lord, doing what is right and just. Abraham serves as an example of a father who led his household in keeping the way of the Lord (Genesis 18:19). Fathers should strive to be leaders in their families, setting an example of faith and righteousness.

A Godly Father Disciplines

Discipline is an act of love, not punishment. A godly father corrects and guides his children, just as the Lord corrects those He loves (Proverbs 3:11-12). Discipline should be done with kindness and love, aiming to produce righteousness rather than bitterness.

A Godly Father Shows Compassion

Compassion is an essential quality of a godly father. Just as a father pities his children, the Lord pities those who fear Him (Psalm 103:13-14). Fathers should empathize with their children, sharing their pain and offering comfort and understanding.

A Godly Father is Present

A godly father is present in his children's lives. He is not an absentee father but actively involved in their upbringing. The Lord goes before us and fights for us, just as a father carries his son (Deuteronomy 1:29-31). While earthly fathers may have limitations, our Heavenly Father is always present. Fathers should lift their children up to God in prayer, seeking His guidance and support.

A Godly Father Provides

A godly father provides for his family's needs. This provision extends beyond material and financial needs; it includes emotional support and care. The Bible states that those who do not provide for their families have denied the faith and are worse than unbelievers (1 Timothy 5:8). Fathers have a responsibility to provide for their families in various aspects.

A Godly Father Loves

Love is the greatest quality a father can possess. The Bible describes love as patient, kind, not envious or proud, not self-seeking or easily angered, and rejoicing in truth (1 Corinthians 13:4-8). Fathers should express love to their children in all these ways, making them feel valued and cherished.


Fatherhood is a challenging role, but with the guidance of our Heavenly Father, we can strive to become godly fathers. By lighting the way, leading, disciplining with love, showing compassion, being present, providing, and loving our children, we can fulfill our role as fathers. Let us remember to lift our families up to God in prayer and introduce them to their Heavenly Father. In doing so, we will have fulfilled our duty as fathers, and our children will be eternally grateful.

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