The Magnitude Of The Gospel
Contributed by David Dewitt on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The magnitude of the gospel changed the life of Paul and it can change your life as well
The Magnitude of the Gospel
Romans 1:1-7
I. The Minister of the gospel (Verse1)
A. Paul states his place in Christ – Bond Servant
1. The Greek word doulos is translated servant in English but it has a stronger meaning in Greek.
a.) This word can mean either servant or slave
b.) In this usage it may have the meaning of bond servant which would be form of slavery in the ancient times.
2. The deeper understanding of doulos for Paul
a.) Paul was the total and complete possession of Christ. He was bought by the blood of Christ
b.) Paul gave up his rights and lived by and for the rights of Christ
c.) Paul lived to serve Christ moment by moment. His life belonged to Jesus.
d.) Paul submitted his will to the will of Christ and was obedient to the leading of Christ
e.) Paul made his stand with good company – Others who were considered the bond servants of God (Moses, Joshua, David, James and Peter)
B. Paul states his purpose in Christ – Apostle
1. The Greek word apostolos is translated apostle
a.) This Greek word refers to a person who is sent
b.) The apostle was a term which referred to a type of ambassador or representative
2. Three keys to Paul’s claim to apostleship
a.) Paul was called to be an apostle
b.) Paul answered God’s call with a willing heart
c.) Paul’s service was meaningful
1.) Paul served and ministered
2.) Paul went out and bore fruit
C. Paul states his position in Christ – Set apart
1. Paul simply states that he was set apart for God
a.) This literally means that Paul was give to special service
b.) Paul is showing the extent of his calling
2. The concept leads us to understand Paul as a living sacrifice
a.) Paul lived to follow Jesus with every fiber of his being
b.) Paul lived out a sacrificial service in the name of Jesus
II. The Messiah of the gospel (Verse 2-4)
A. Paul shows God as fulfilling His Word
1. God promised a Messiah
a.) God made His promise through David
b.) God echoed this promise through the centuries with the prophets
2. God keeps His Word
a.) God has never broken a promise to His people
b.) God’s word is a bond that he never breaks – We can count on Him being true and faithful
B. Paul shows God as faithful to His work
1. God sent His Son to this world
a.) The human nature of Jesus
b.) The divine nature of Jesus
2. Paul’s powerful statement
a.) Jesus is the Son of God
b.) Jesus is the Christ
c.) Jesus is the Lord
III. The Message and Mission of the Gospel (Verses 5-6)
A. The message of the gospel
1. The good news of God
a.) The word gospel literally means good news in the Greek
b.) The fact that Jesus came to earth, living out a perfect life, died on our behalf and rose from the dead. Now that is what I call good news!
2. The grace God now gives
a.) Paul received God’s incredible grace through Jesus
b.) God’s grace is poured out for everyone who believes in Jesus
B. The mission of the gospel
1. God called Paul to a divine mission
a.) Paul understood the vast need for Jesus and he moved to spread the gospel
b.) Paul obeyed God and followed His calling
2. Paul applies God’s call to the church
a.) God has a massive task for the church to reach the world
b.) God does not force us to obey Him. Our obedience is a choice
IV. The Meaning of the gospel (Verse 7)
A. The gospel brings the love of God
1. Christ brought us God’s love
a.) Paul writes to those whom God loves
b.) The reality is that God loves everyone and Jesus died for every person
2. The church is called to be saints
a.) The word saint means one who is saved or one who is set apart
b.) God has set every believer apart through Christ Jesus
B. The gospel allows us to gain grace and peace from God
1. The grace of God
a.) Grace is literally God’s unmerited favor toward us. Grace is somethig we do not deserve
b.) God’s grace is given to us as a free gift. We cannot earn it
2. The peace of God
a.) The peace God brings to us is one that is beyond anything we can comprehend
b.) God offers us a divine peace that can help us through any difficulty in life