
The Love of Fathers: Earthly and Divine

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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Exploring the similarities between the desires of earthly fathers and our Heavenly Father.


Father’s Day

Luke 15:11-32

Today, we are going to talk about Father’s Day and the role of fathers in our lives. Fathers are often seen as the providers and protectors of the family. They are different from mothers, who are known for their nurturing and healing abilities. While Mother’s Day is widely celebrated and cherished, Father’s Day has not gained the same level of popularity.

Perception of Fathers

In our society, fathers are often portrayed in a negative light, with TV shows and movies making fun of them or depicting them as bumbling and clueless. This can shape our perception of what a father should be like and even influence our view of God, as we tend to use our own fathers as a reference point for understanding our heavenly Father.

Some of us may have had distant or absent fathers, leading us to believe that God is also distant and uninvolved in our lives. Others may have had fathers who were strict and demanding, causing us to feel like we can never measure up to God's expectations. And some of us may have had a combination of positive and negative experiences with our fathers.

The Perfect Father

However, it is important to remember that God is not like our earthly fathers. He is a perfect Father who loves us unconditionally and desires a relationship with us. The Bible provides us with insights into what our heavenly Father is like and how we should strive to be like Him.

In the parable of the prodigal son, Jesus tells a story about a father and his two sons. The younger son asks for his share of the inheritance and goes off to live a reckless life. Eventually, he realizes his mistakes and decides to return home. The father, who had been eagerly waiting for his son's return, welcomes him back with open arms and celebrates his homecoming.

This story illustrates the love and forgiveness of our heavenly Father. He gives us free will and allows us to make our own choices, even if they lead us astray. But when we come to our senses and turn back to Him, He is always ready to receive us with love and forgiveness.

Emulating Our Heavenly Father

As earthly fathers, we should strive to emulate our heavenly Father. We should allow our children to make their own choices and learn from their mistakes. We should love them unconditionally and be there for them, even when they mess up. And just like the father in the parable, we should eagerly await their return and celebrate their homecoming.

Being a father is not easy, and none of us are perfect. But we can look to God as our example and seek His guidance in our role as fathers. We may not always get it right, but with God's help, we can strive to be the best fathers we can be.


On this Father's Day, let us remember the love and forgiveness of our heavenly Father. Let us also appreciate and honor the fathers in our lives, recognizing their efforts and sacrifices. And most importantly, let us reach out to our heavenly Father, who is always waiting for us with open arms.

May God bless all the fathers out there, and may His love guide us in our journey of fatherhood.


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