
Summary: A Parable describing the Love of God for His children as compared to that of a father and mother.

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The Love Of A Father John 3:16

By John Teem Jr.

Written in October 2009/ Shared Jan. 10, 2010

A Father chooses to have children

Our Heavenly Father wanted to have children to call His own

To Love, raise and spend time together with, and to be like Him.

He could not do this on His own.

It takes two that are One. (The Father and the Son with one mind)

Genesis 1:26 “Let Us make man in Our image, according to our likeness…”

He plants a seed to grow

Matthew 13:3 says “Behold a sower went out to sow”

Read Luke 1:26-38

Jesus Christ carries the seed and nurtures it as a mother does

All this Mother can dwell on is the joy of having this child and how beautiful it will be. She loves this child before it is even brought into this world.

The pregnancy causes much pain

Morning sickness and pain are constantly with her but she does not dwell on this fact. All she considers is the end result and her love for this seed that was planted and she sees all the beauty that is yet to come. It troubles the Father to see the suffering of His wife so He comforts her and assures her that it will all be worth it. The Garden of Gethsemane Matt. 26:47-56; Mark 14:43-52; Luke 22:47-53; John 18:2-12

The Birth causes much more pain

This causes the Father to look away. He can not bear the pain that He sees.

He knows that the end will be worth the means but He still can not bear to see the torture that grips her.

Remember how while Jesus was on the cross he asked My God My God Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me. God had to look away.

After the birth of the child the pain is forgotten. The father holds no grudge The Mother remembers it no more

The beauty of what has been born seems to erase all the pain that was suffered. The Father loves this child and He loves His wife and they both disregard all the pain and suffering that had to be in order to bring this child into fellowship with them. This Is Grace and Mercy. But the story does not end here (happily ever after)

Even after birth the process is not complete

There is still much that has to be done. This child has a purpose in life. The Father must see to it that this child is trained and prepared for this purpose.

The child must still grow/mature

The Father raises the child to be strong; the mother nurtures the child and tries to protect it from harm. The Father has employed a Tutor/Helper to train up this child. The Tutor being the Holy Spirit working in harmony with both the Father and Mother to see to it that this child grows to be all that it can be. A mere image of the Father, with all the character traits of the Mother. When people see us do they see Our heavenly Father?

Do they see the Love of Christ in us?

Raising the child to be mature still causes many disappointments

The child desires to have its own way and rebels many times breaking the heart of the Father. The child behaves as if he has no common sense. The child is continually doing and saying things that bring shame and embarrassment to the Father. It seems as if the Mother does not even notice these infractions. She has to see them, they happen so often.

Do we bring shame upon our Heavenly Father?

The Father may get frustrated but the Mother intercedes for this child

Romans 8:34 states “It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.”

The Father’s anger is stirred but the Mother intercedes for the child and assures the Father that this too will pass. It seems that the Mother is constantly interceding for the child but that is because she loves this child and gave her life for this child. The Father knows this and relents from His anger and frustration time and time again, even though it seems as if the child is in constant rebellion. He remembers, this is my child and I Love him. We should not take the Mercy of God the Father as slackness for the Bible tells us that The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

The child grows to a certain level and believes they no longer need the wisdom of the Father and Mother

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